(In Spanish & English)
Nuestro cuerpo tiene un sistema de desintoxicación natural que nos ayuda a deshacer las toxins que nuestro cuerpo acumula del media ambient o de alimentos. Debemos ayudar a nuestro organismo con alimentos que tengan propiedades desintoxicantes, estos 6 alimentos naturales pueden ayudarte a eliminar las toxinas de tu cuerpo.
From the outset, I would like to say that I am not a health professional and that this is not professional or medical advice. The following nutritional tips are based on my own basis research.
Our body accumulates toxins from the environment or from various foods; with that said, our body has a natural detoxification system that helps to destroy the aforementioned toxins. Additionally, there are specific foods that can help to remove the toxins from our body; here are six foods that can help cleanse toxins from our body and boost our energy levels. There is no special diets, no starving regimes; simply, incorporate these foods into your diet.
Our body accumulates toxins from the environment or from various foods; with that said, our body has a natural detoxification system that helps to destroy the aforementioned toxins. Additionally, there are specific foods that can help to remove the toxins from our body; here are six foods that can help cleanse toxins from our body and boost our energy levels. There is no special diets, no starving regimes; simply, incorporate these foods into your diet.
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Apples Manzanas |
1. Manzanas - Después de mucho estudios e investigaciones se demostró que las manzanas son perfectas para la desintoxicación del cuerpo. Comer una manzana al día sería ideal para limpiar las toxinas de tu organismo.
1. Apples - Apples are nutrient-rich! Apples contain apple pectin, which is a helpful soluble fiber that maintains good digestive health and helps remove food additives and metals from your system.
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Beet Remolacha |
2. Remolacha - La remolacha contiene una forma natural para desintoxicar el hígado, es aconsejable comer varias veces por semana remolacha para ayudar a tu hígado. La remolacha es una gran fuente de fibra.
2. Beets - Beets are a great source of betacyanin, which has cancer-fihting properties. Additionally, this root vegetable is full of magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium, which all help to remove toxins.
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Onions Cebollas |
3. Cebolla - Las cebollas son el vegetal con más propiedades de desintoxicación y curativas. Liberan toxinas a través de la piel, las cebollas limpian el intestino.
3. Onions - Onions contain lots of sulfur amino acids, which efficiently detox your liver. Raw onions contain the most nutritional value; thus, just add them to a salad or to a bruschetta for your dinner tonight.
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Cabbage Col |
4. Col - La col contiene ácido láctico que limpia el colon. Este vegetal es perfecto cuando quieres bajar de peso, debido a que combate las toxinas del cuerpo.
4. Cabbage - Cabbage can help get rid of crow's feet that are a sign that you may have high coristol levels. high coristol can cause the skin to break down faster and wrinkles to appear. Cabbage is rich in Vitamins A, C, and E, which can help to lower coristol levels and in effect prevent lines from forming in the first place.
5. Limón - El limón limpia el sistema digestivo, el limón purifica la sangre y expulsa las toxinas del cuerpo. También ayuda a eliminar el acné de la piel, se recomienda ingerir medio limón diario.
5. Lemon - Lemon is full of Vitamin C. Lemon cleanses the digestive system; moreover, lemons purify the blood and expels toxins from the body. It also helps to clear acne skin. Half of a lemon is recommended daily intake.
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Garlic Ajos |
6. Ajo- Los ajos son los reyes de la desintoxicación. Los ajos contienen alicina que es un compuesto químico que ayuda a eliminar toxina. Purifican la sangre y el sistema respiratorio. Hay estudios que dicen que al ajo tiene la capacidad de deshacerse de la nicotina.
6. Garlic - Garlic is the king of detoxification. Garlic contains allicin, which is a chemical compound that helps eliminate toxin. Garlic purifies blood and our respiratory system. There are studies that say that garlic has the ability to get rid of nicotine.
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