By Nerina Milano Hodzic
Helloooo fashion lovers!
The summer is here! I hope you are ready to greet it with some new and hot outfits! If you have not yet done summer shopping, your current summer wardrobe can be refreshed by adding some colorful and cheerful scarves.
A scarf is a really cool piece because it can warm you up in the winter and refreshes your look in the summer. Importantly, wearing a scarf adds your own unique touch to each outfit. I am almost everyone has a couple of spare scarves in your closet; otherwise, check out the closets of your mother and you are bound to find an interesting and a vintage scarf. Adding a vintage scarf from you mother's closet can certainly give your outfit a sparkle.
Additionally, there are a tremendous amount of ways of tying a scarf, which adds personality and character to your look. Thus, even if a scarf looks fairly plain, it can be tied in a unique way to make it extra stylish.
For ideas, I have included 10 different ways to tie a scarf. Which way do you prefer? Be beautiful and be stylish... until the next post... XO!
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1. Ways to Wear a Scarf: Tied Around Your Neck (akin to a tie) |
2. Simply wrapped Around the Neck |
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3. Different ways to Wear a Scarf: Wrapped Around Your Head (akin to a bandana) |
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4. Different Ways to Wear a Scarf: no knotting just to keep you warm |
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5. Classic Look: Wrapped Around Your Head |
Hey fashion lovers! Eto nama ljeta! Nadam se da ste spremni dočekati ga sa novim, vrelim outfitima! Ukoliko još niste obaviti "ljetni" shopping, svoje dosadašnje odjevne predmete možete osvježiti nekim šarenim, veselim šalom. Šal je tako cool komad, koji zimi grije, ljeti osvježava, a uvijek stavi naš osobni potpis na svaku odjevnu kombinaciju. Sigurna sam da ih u svojim ormarima imate na pretek, a svakako zavirite i u ormare svojih mama, tamo se sigurno krije neki zanimljivi svileni šal, koji čeka novi stylish momenat.
Napominjem da postoji toliko različitih interesantnih načina vezivanja šala, pa tako i one već dosadne, iznosane šalove možete svezati na drugačiji način. Neke od načina vezivanja donosimo u nastavku! Ostajte mi lijepi i stylish, do idućeg posta! XO
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9. Scarf as a Decoration with your Purse |
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10. Ways to Wear a Scarf: Peasant Look |
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