By Merima Ramadanovic
Recently, I had a photo shoot with a young and out of ths world talented Bosnian designer Emina Hodzic Adilovic, who has been designing since 2004. The name of her brand is TEXTURA, which solely designs women's clothing, and it is based in Sarajevo. The brand is made so that the dresses hug the curves of women but do not overexpose the body. The dresses are for everyday going out and for dressing up at night.
Emina had contacted me before I returned from modeling in London and had asked me to model for her new collection and catalogue. Surely, I accepted since I think the world of Emina and her designs. Take a look below at a couple of photos below, and let us know what you think. Xo.-Meri.
Emina had contacted me before I returned from modeling in London and had asked me to model for her new collection and catalogue. Surely, I accepted since I think the world of Emina and her designs. Take a look below at a couple of photos below, and let us know what you think. Xo.-Meri.

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
Imala sam nedavno jedan shoting za jednu mladu bosansko hercegovacku dizajnericu koja se zove Emina Hodži Adilovic. Emina me je kontaktirala odmah pri dolazsku iz Londona u Sarajevo i ponudila mi je saradnju da radim za nju novi katalog. Martina me je preporucila Emini. Martina je bila odusevljena kad je vidjela moje slike na FB i predlozila je Emini da mene pozove da radim novu njenu kolekciju sto meni mnogo znaci kad me ljudi cijene kao modela...Emina dizajnira haljine za svecane prilike, za svakodnevni izlazak i cak dizajnira odjecu za pokrivene zene sto je kao lijepo.
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