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Diamant Museum Amsterdam

By Nerina H.

Amsterdam is well known for its diamond trade which dates back to the 16th century. Escaping persecution, many Sephardic Jews left Portugal and Spain and immigrated to Amsterdam.  Diamond trade and crafts was a profession that was open to most; hence, many Jews found jobs in this industry. 

A couple of centuries later, Amsterdam evolved into an international center for diamond trade. Although Amsterdam has maintained its reputation as a meeting point for diamond trade, the prosecution of Jews during WWII had a tremendous negative impact on Amsterdam as a diamond industry center.  Since I wanted to learn more about Amsterdam and its diamond trade, I decided to visit the Daimon Museum in Amsterdam. 

Right after I entered the museum, it was like entering another world: this was the world of diamonds. During my visit, the tour guide showed us how diamonds were cut and polished.  He explained the process of polishing rough diamonds and producing the final diamond that we see in stores. 

I chose to wear a black shorts with a black t-shirt that had silver details to stroll across the streets of Amsterdam. Just in case of cold weather, I carried along a white leather jacket. Moreover, I carried a large scarf and glasses, which were both black and white. Lastly, I wore comfortable white flats. 

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian: 

Amsterdam kao slavni grad dijamanata datira iz 16. stoljeca. Bjezeci od progona, mnogi Zidovi Sefardi su napustili Portugal, Spaniju i juznu Nizozemsku tokom ovog razdoblja. Mnogi od njih zavrsili su u Amsterdamu. Trgovanje i rezanje dijamanata bila je slobodna profesija, a mnogi Zidovi su nasli posao u ovoj bransi.

Nekoliko stoljeca kasnije, Amsterdam se razvija u svjetski epicentar dijamanata. Progon Zidova tokom Drugog svjetskog rata bio je velik udarac za industriju, iako Amsterdam jos uvijek uziva izvrsnu reputaciju unutar "dijamant" zajednice.

Zeljela sam saznati nesto vise o amsterdamskoj povijesti kao grada dijamanata, te sam odlucila posjetiti Diamond Museum Amsterdam. Cim se udje u prostorije muzeja, to je kao da ulazite u drugaciji svijet: svijet dijamanata. Tokom posjete, vodic je ljubazno provodio grupu posjetitelja, vidjeli smo proces rezanje i poliranja dijamanata, sa detaljnim objasnjenjima na koji nacin se to radi od grubog dijamanta do ocaravajuceg krajnjeg proizvoda.

Crni sorts i crna majica sa srebrenim cirkonima bili su moj izbor za setnju ulicama Amsterdama, Bijela kozna jakna bila je tu (za svaki slucaj), te je dobro dosla u hladnim prostorijama Muzeja. Neizostavni detalji na svakoj mojoj putesestviji poput velikog sala i naocala su bili i ovaj put samnom, i to u crnim i bijelim nijansama. Obuca rezervisana za duge setnje udobna, ravna i bijela sa metalik detaljima. 

Dijamantni pozdrav!

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