By Amra B.
GEEK IS SO CHIC! Bar Rafaeli’s latest commercial for Go Daddy proves that when beauty and brains mix something AMAZING happens! My personal experience has also confirmed that geeks are extremely HOT, HOT, and HOT right now. Bar Rafaeli smooching partnet is the nerdy serial-extra Jesse Heiman. Not sure if he is my cup of tea, but he may be amazingly charming and one hell of a kisser (would love to ask Bar Rafaeli about him).
Although I have personally always been attracted to brains (with the few exceptions that were just ODD balls in my history of dating), it seems that this trend of “GEEK-mania” has spilled into the mainstream. New generation of hipsters are the brainy kind: no nonsense kids who wear super cool clothes but have something interesting to say as well!
Bar Rafaeli shines in the Go Daddy commercial and could definitely sport a super “cute geek” under her arm! She gets two thumbs UP from me! What do you think???
Fashionistas, I urge you to try and go GEEK if you are single (or looking to break up). Trust me, you may just surprise yourself how many “gems” hide behind those thick, awkward looking glasses! BONUS: you will learn things you never knew about astrology, computers, comics, insects, and so,so,so much more!

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