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How to Choose the Right Bra For You

By Rachel Burt

This past year, I went into a lingerie shop to buy new bras for my travels. In the shop, there was a bra fit specialist, who has worked for years at Victoria's Secret. As I was trying on  different bras in all shapes, styles and sizes, she asked if she could help fit me. I replied "of course," thinking I want to be styled by a professional. 

At the end of the fitting, I realized that throughout years I had actually been picking out the wrong bra size. I was buying 34 Cs and sometimes even 34Bs; my actual size: 32 D! What I had learned was that throughout time bras loosen in the band, and it is better to get a smaller size for the width (band) and a larger size for the cup. Before, I was buying bras that were too small for my size cup, which was causing my breasts to pop-out of my tops and be visible through my shirts. Also, by wearing a cup that is fitted for your size, it helps make your bust bigger and your waist smaller, which is what every girl wants; isn't it?

Here are 8 Signs you are wearing the wrong bra:

1. Double Cleavage: Spilling out over the top or on the sides is a sign that you need a bigger cup or band width. A perfectly fit bra will cover the entire breast area with nothing falling out.

2. Back Cleavage: That back fat hanging over is a clue that you are wearing bands or straps that are too tight. The bra needs to be tight but not so tight that it suffocates you. 

3. High Rider:  If the back of your bra is constantly riding-up, it is too big. Try a smaller back size.

4. Sagging Breast: A right fitted bra will make sure to help out with any sagging, lifting your breasts up to look perky. Try re-adjusting the straps and the band to obtain a tighter fit.  

5. Crinkly Cups: If you find your bra is constantly wrinkled and puckered-up, then you are wearing a bra that is way too big for you. 

6. Slipping/Suffocating Straps: If you find you are always having to pull your straps up or down, this is a sign you are wearing a bra too big in size. You want to make sure the straps are not falling out but also not digging into your skin. When straps are digging into your shoulder, that is a sign the bra is way too small to fit you. Try to lengthen the straps or buy a new size. 

7. Cup Sticking Out: If your bra is sticking out with a lot of space in between the breast and the cup, then you definitely have the wrong bra. The cup sticks out because the cup is too large for your breast size or because of the stye of the bra. Some styles just do not sit perfectly on different breasts for various reasons.

8. You Are Uncomfortable: Anytime you feel uncomfortable in your skin, this is a sign you are not wearing the right bra size. Bras are suppose to flatter your figure and not be irritating or leave you constantly checking yourself out to see if you look fine.  

There you have it fashionistas, I hope you found my styling tips helpful so that you will find the perfect bra that fits your shape and size. Until next time, signing-off from New York City...xoxo. 


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