By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
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Bosnian fashion designer, Daniela Mesalic, featured in Vogue Italia |
Just Who is Daniela?
Daniela Mesalic is a fashion blogger who provides us with our daily dose of inspiration through her beautiful photographs on her blog. Also, Daniela is not merely a fashion guru, who designs dresses, jewelry and handbags; she is well-educated: an economist and currently a student at the Italian Fashion Academy del Lusso in Belgrade.
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Daniela Mesalic: Part of the "Bosnian Fashion Pack" |
Our Style-Chat:
Fashion & the Business-Savvy of Blogging
Exclusively for Club Fashionista, we interviewed this successful young lady and one of the five members of the "Bosnian Fashion Pack."
Nerina Hodzic Poplata for Club Fashionista ("CF"): Why did you decide to mix fashion with your economics degree? Also, why did you decide to start your (widely followed) fashion blog?
Daniela: I started my fashion blog, Fashionlogoie, in December 2012. Then, in May 2013, I launched an online fashion publication ModaBlic together with a friend photographer Mensa Jazavcevic.
I started studying economics mainly to fulfill the wishes of my parents. Subsequently, I began studying fashion while I was working for the online publication, which featured my blog-Fashionologie. Economics is useful in terms of running any business, and then studying fashion helps because that is the specific industry I work in. However, I must admit, with all of the schooling and work, my private life has taken a back seat.
Daniela: I started my fashion blog, Fashionlogoie, in December 2012. Then, in May 2013, I launched an online fashion publication ModaBlic together with a friend photographer Mensa Jazavcevic.
I started studying economics mainly to fulfill the wishes of my parents. Subsequently, I began studying fashion while I was working for the online publication, which featured my blog-Fashionologie. Economics is useful in terms of running any business, and then studying fashion helps because that is the specific industry I work in. However, I must admit, with all of the schooling and work, my private life has taken a back seat.
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Skirt and blouse designed by Daniela Mesalic |
CF: Today, how much does it cost to be fashionable? Is there a difference between being fashionable and being stylish? Is there a cost difference? How do you describe your style?
Daniela: I think it is cheaper to be fashionable than to be stylish. It is easier for many to simply buy what is in season but it much more difficult to understand how to combine certain pieces throughout seasons and years. Currently, my style consists of combining oversized pieces, e.g., oversized coats + boyfriend jeans.
CF: What do you think makes a great outfit? What do people you think are well-dressed wear?
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In a comfortable and chic outfit in Sarajevo |
Daniela: Today, being well-dressed is not exactly rocket science. Certain trends are insisted to the public by the fashion industry at large; however, I suggest not wearing fashion trends at any cost. Wear what looks the best on you, i.e., make sure that the color combinations of your clothes (as well as the makeup hues) are appropriate for your skin and body type.
CF: There are certain pieces you designed featured on your blog. Are these pieces (and your other clothing) available to buy on your blog or elsewhere? What are your future plans regarding your collection? Tell us more about that.
Daniela: I have sold some of my pieces to the ladies who wore them; however, because of my commitments at the del Lusso fashion institute, I have not been able to spring into full mode my personal design-- "Daniela design." With that said, some pieces are available through personal orders.
CF: Would you like to run your fashion blog as a full time job? Is it possible for bloggers to make a living from blogging? What about here in Bosnia? If not now, when do you anticipate it will be possible to make a living from blogging?
Daniela: I do not want blogging to be my full-time job. I would describe blogging as a hobby, which opens many doors, especially in the fashion industry. Currently, in Bosnia, I do not believe you can make a living out of blogging.
CF: What is your main source of inspiration, whether for your outfit of the day or simply when shooting?
Daniela: My main source of inspiration comes from street style because for me that style is what is on the streets. It is up to you to draw from street style what works the best for you.
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Necklace designed by Daniela |
CF: Your favorite sports?
Daniela: I do not have a favorite sports but whenever I have free time I now it is important to go to the gym for my health's sake.
CF: Your favorite fashion magazine and blog?
Daniela: Bosnia's Grazia, Bosnia's Beauty & Health, Bosnia's Magazine, and American Elle and Vogue.
CF: What do you think of the fashion scene in Bosnia? Who dictates today's trends? Do you follow or love some of Bosnia's fashionistas, models, bloggers, or fashion designers?
Daniela: Unfortunately, it is difficult to make a living from the fashion industry in Bosnia. I say unfortunately because there are many talented fashion designers, bloggers and models in Bosnia. However, some of the local public figures in Bosnia, e.g., Emina Ganich, Martina Saira Konakovich, Dino Merlin, Fuad Backovich Deen, and Aleksandar Hrshum, have given others in the region hope that it is possible to make a living through the fashion industry in Bosnia.
CF: Tell us about your beauty ritual when going out on a Saturday night?
Daniela: Before I proceed with this question, I would like to say that I almost never go out at night during the weekends. With that said, I will go ahead and tell girls, who are going out, not to wear red lipstick with smokey eyes, and not to show off too much cleavage with a mini skirt. In another words, the basics: wear everything in moderation and being vulgar is not sexy. Leave something to imagination. Men have a vivid imagination.

CF: What are some of the Spring 2014 trends? What will you wear? Which color will dominate in your closet in the spring?
Daniela: Flower print and lace dresses will be some dominant trends. I will be wearing the aforementioned as well as boyfriend jeans. Also, I will be wearing some of the accessories I personally designed.
CF: Lastly, with what words of fashion wisdom would you like to leave Club Fashionista readers with?
Daniela: Follow trends so that you are able to pick out the best ones that suit your personality and body shape. Do not wear trends just because the style is popular make sure it fits your personality and body type!
CF: Thank you for your time, we wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors in fashion design and your blog. You are a very beautiful, smart and creative woman, we wish you only the best with your studies, in your career and most importantly that you will find more free time to spend with your friends, family and loved ones.

Daniela Mešalić je modna bloggerica koja svoje dnevne doze inspiracije prezentuje na stranicama svog bloga. Daniela je i diplomirana ekonomistica, studentica italijanske modne akademije Del Lusso u Beogradu, ali i dizajnerica nakita i torbi. Njene fotografije osvanule su na online portalu prestižnog italijanskog magazina Vogue, a haljine sa njenim potpisom nosile su Miss BiH Sanda Gutić, Miss Earth BiH Aleksandra Kovačević, kao i manekenka Sabina Nurković za Crveni tepih Sarajevo Film Festivala.
Za stranice Club Fashionista, donosimo vam intervju sa ovom svestranom mladom damom, jednom od djevojaka "Bosnian Fashion Pack" ekipe.
CF: Vole li se ekonomija i moda? Zašto ekonomija, i otkada modni blog?
Daniela: Modni blog pišem od decembra mjeseca 2012. godine, te sam u maju mjesecu 2013. godine pokrenula online portal ModaBlic zajedno sa prijateljicom fotografkinjom Mensi Jazavčević. Ekonomiju sam počela strudirati po želji roditelja, dok sam se ka modnom školovanju okrenula tokom rada na pomenutom online portalu na kojem je i Fashionologie blog. Ukoliko uskladite obje pomenute, mnogo zahtjevne oblasti, u mogućnosti ste ispuniti sva svoja očekivanja kada je posao u pitanju, ali često privatni život trpi.
CF: Koliko danas košta moda, a koliko stil? Šta je to što opisuje tvoj stil?
Daniela: Moda nije skupa za razliku od stila, jer svakako da je mnogima lakše kupiti određene odjevne predmete ali rijetkim uspjeva da iste iskombinuju na odgovarajući način. Trenutno moj stil je u fazonu oversized odjevnih komada, a primat dajem boyfriend farmerkama i predimenzioniranim kaputima.
CF: Za ljude za koje kažeš da su dobro odjeveni, na sebi imaju:

CF: Za ljude za koje kažeš da su dobro odjeveni, na sebi imaju:
Daniela: Danas biti dobro obučen nije neka filozofija. Nametnuti trendovi prilika su da budemo u korak sa modnom scenom, ali ne po svaku cijenu, stoga bih istakla da je osnova svake odjevne kombinacija dobra usklađenost boja, kako odjeće tako i šminke.
CF: Na fotografijama na tvom blogu su odjevni komadi za koje pišeš da si ti potpisnik dizajna za iste? Da li su oni na prodaju? Imaš li neke planove, ambicije u vezi svoje modne linije? Reci nam nešto više o tome!
Daniela: Određene odjevne predmete sam kreirala i naravno potpisala, mnogo od pomenutih je našlo put do svojih vlasnica. Trenutno zbog obaveza na Akademiji i izrade nakita, ne stižem da se posvetim dizajniranju kao prije, ali se nadam da će "Daniela design" uskoro i pravno zaživjeti.
CF: Da li bi voljela da je tvoj "full time" posao zapravo pisanje bloga? Da li je u BiH moguć pristojan život za bloggere? Kada će to biti moguće?
Daniela: Nikada ne bih voljela da mi posao bude blogganje, jer to nije moj primarni segment života. Opisala bih to kao jedan hobi, koji vam otvara vrata u svijet mode, ali od kojeg ne možete živjeti a kako je krenulo nikada takvo nešto u BiH neće biti moguće.
CF: Tvoji omiljeni izvori energije za inspiraciju (za odjevnu kombinaciju, post na blogu, fotkicu) ? Sportovi kojim si se bavila/se baviš? Omiljeni modni časopis, a web portal?
-Inspiraciju najviše pronalazim u street style modnim izričajima, jer ono što se prikaže na ulici, to je moda, to je stil, a na vama je da izvučete ono najbolje iz svega.
-U slobodno vrijeme posvećena sam fitnesu.
-Modni časopisi bez kojih skoro da ne mogu zamisliti dan, svode se na par njih: Grazia, Ljepota i zdravlje, Magazine, Elle i američki Vogue.
CF: Ima li mode u BiH ? I ko diktira danas trendove? Da li voliš/pratiš/poštuješ neke ljude sa BH modne scene? (modne kreatore, modele, bloggere, organizatore modnih evenata, fashioniste) ?
Daniela: Modna scena je slab izvor prihoda, s obzirom na to koliko samo talenata imamo, i koji svoj rad teško mogu iskazati na pravi način, baš zbog materijalne situacije, ali ukoliko sagledamo par osoba iz javnog života (Emina Ganić, Martina Saira Konaković, Dino Merlin, Fuad Backović Deen, Aleksandar Hršum) shvatićemo da i za nas ima nade, jer imamo od koga učiti ako već ne znamo.
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Daniela for Vogue Italia |
CF: Otkrij nam tvoj beauty ritual za jedan ludi subotnji izlazak?
Daniela: Mislim da nisam kompetentna da odgovorim na to pitanje jer ja skoro da ne izlazim, ali mogu posavjetovati cure da obrate pažnju na sklad odnosno da smokey eyes nikako ne može ispratiti jarko crveni karmin, te da duboki dekolte ne prati gole noge.
CF: Šta će to Daniela nositi na proljeće 2014. godine? Koja boja će biti dominantna u tvome ormaru i koji stil ćemo moći vidjeti na fotkama tvog bloga u narednom periodu?
Daniela: Modna proljećna sezona koja je pred nama, obavezno će biti obilježena cvjetnim printom i čipkastim haljinama, ali i nezaobilaznim boyfriend outfit-ima.
Nadam se da ću u dogledno vrijeme uraditi i editorijale kojima ću iskazati odjevne predmete kao i modne dodatke koje sam sama dizajnirala.
CF: I za kraj, tvoja modna poruka/želja/savjet za sve čitatelje Club fashionista!
Daniela: Pratite trendove tek toliko da iste prilagodite sebi i svom karakteru, a nikako širokoj narodnoj masi.
CF: Zgodnoj i kreativnoj Danieli želimo i dalje mnogo inspirativnih outfita, nasmješenih fotografija na blogu, te uspjeh na poslovnom planu, ali svakako i da si obezbjedi kvalitetno vrijeme za sebe i drage ljude.
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Daniela Wearing Zigman, a Croatian designer |
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Streetstyle: Daniela |
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1 comment:
Its basically all about trendy accessories and that is what women bother the most which is a good thing because fashion should be the one that is in trends.
Hollywood Fashion
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