By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
In English:
It all began with street style photos of fashionistas like Olivia Palermo, Alexa Chung, then Gossip Girl's Blake Lively & Leighton Meester that the world began to take notice of their eye-catching jewelry pieces that fit perfectly around their necklines. Suddenly, there was a global craze over these cute, very detailed jewelry pieces that could make the plainest outfit sparkle and fashionable.
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Custom Ordered and Handmade Necklaces by D's CollArs |
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Inspiration: Olivia Palermo Wearing Statement Jewelry |
So, recently, one very lovely lady from Sarajevo wanted her daughters to have handmade and a variety of statement jewelry pieces to be unique and at the same time in line with global fashion trends; thus, she created D's CollArs.
When I asked her to describe the brand D's CollArs, she said in an interview with Club Fashionista: D's CollArs is a small home workshop that produces unique jewelry-- especially statement necklaces.The story begins during my high school years when I began to do embroidery, knit, sow and to do other types of manual design labor. When my daughters last year wished to have statement necklaces, which she had seen on the blog of Olivia Palermo, I decided to surprise them and do something similar but unique in its own way.
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D's CollArs: My Inspiration--My Daughter |
Then it all began, after I designed statement pieces for my daughters orders of my handmade jewelry began to come from my daughter's school friends, my work colleagues, and their friends.
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Happy Clients of D's CollArs |
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Where does your inspiration come from as I see that every piece is different?
D's CollArs: Inspiration comes from when I glance at the numerous and different colors of beads, stones, zircon, and crystals all in front of my eyes. In another words, I do not know in advance how it will all look like. But in the end, it always works out: I figure out a winning combination. Thus far, all of my clients have been satisfied.
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Do you create the necklace all by yourself or does your client participate in making her own necklace?
D's CollArs: I usually make a necklace that was a figment of my imagination and creativity; also, I do listen to the requests of my clients. For instance, if the necklace was ordered for a special event (e.g., a wedding, prom, etc.), I will ensure that my choice of colors that will match with the dress she will wear for the occasion.
Nerina for Club Fashionista : What is your suggestion to an outfit that would look the best with a statement piece from D's CollArs?
D's CollArs: I believe that my necklaces can best fit with casual, evening, or even school outfits. In the end, it all comes down to the fact that it is only necessary for the necklace to be worn in the right way and with the appropriate pieces of clothing. The necklace will "spice" up your outfit.
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Chic Outfit with Chic Necklace |
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Do you have plans to further develop your skills? What about the earrings, rings, hair accessories, and the like? Do you plan to expand your product range?
D's CollArs: As for future plans, currently, I am not certain except perhaps, I would like to vary the types of techniques of my manual work. Also, I would like to participate in Bosnia's Fashion Week in collaboration with some of the Bosnian designers. As for making types of accessories (aside from necklaces), I have done a couple of earrings and a bracelets; I would like to have more free time for rings , hairpins, and other accessories.
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Stunning necklace & earings by D's CollArs (my personal favorite) |
Nerina for Club Fashionista: How do we buy some of these unique D's CollArs necklaces?
D' s CollArs: Right now, you are able to order a custom made statement necklace via my Facebook Profile. As for prices, they vary depending on the quantity and the type of material that is used to create each piece of jewelry. The pricing is very reasonable considering everything is locally and hand made.
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Necklaces from your brand have been worn by local TV personalities. Do you spend more time making these pieces than for your other customers?
D's CollArs: I would not spend any more time on one customer than another. In addition to TV personalities, D's CollArs are worn by trendy girls and ladies who want to stand out from the masses who purchase their clothing from large and typical high street brands.
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Naida Srnja: Bosnian TV Personality |
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Nadira Pasic: PR manager, on her Wedding day wearing D's CollArs |
Nerina Club Fashionista: What kind of necklaces do you suggest for the Fall 2013? What colors are trendy?
D's CollArs: Autumn necklaces from our small workshop will be chic, unique, full of crystals and semi-precious stones. As for the colors, for the upcoming season, red wine gemstones and magentas.
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Fall 2013 by D's CollArs |
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Do you have a favorite piece from D's CollArs, perhaps a necklace you keep in your own collection, and you do not expect to sell it?
D's CollArs: Believe it or not, I have not made a necklace for myself. The necklaces were either for my daughters or my clients.
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Pastel colors by D's CollArs |
THANK you for your time for this interview, we want to wish you much success and encourage our readers to visit your Facebook Page, and choose for themselves an original-handmade necklace!
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
Sve je počelo objavljivanjem street style fotografija fashionistica Olivie Palermo, Alexe Chung, pa zatim Gossip cura Blake Lively & Leighton Meester koje uz svoj atraktivni outfit obavezno nose upadljive i interesantne ogrlice u obliku kragne. I odjednom, cijeli svijet je poludio za tim slatkim, sjajnim detaljem koji i najobičniju odjevnu kombinaciju pretvara u stilski look.

Tako je, nedavno, jedna Sarajka željela svojim kćerkama omogućiti taj modni dodatak, kojim su željele osvježiti svoje modne kombinacije, te biti u korak sa trendovima koje nameće svjetska modna scena. Tako su nastale D’s CollArs.
Na pitanje šta se to krije iza branda D's CollArs, ljubazna dizajnerica odgovara, za Club Fashionista:
D's CollArs je mala kućna radionica unikatnog nakita, prvenstveno statement ogrlica.
Priča počinje još od školskih dana otkada se bavim vezenjem, pletenjem, šivanjem i ostalim vrstama ručnog rada.
Kada su moje kćerke prošle godine poželjele da imaju statement ogrlicu koju su vidjele na blogu Olivie Palermo, odlučila sam da ih iznenadim i napravim nešto slično, ali na svoj način.
Tako je sve i počelo, da bi se nastavilo sa narudžbama njihovih školskih prijateljica, mojih radnih kolegica, njihovih prijateljica….
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Otkuda inspiracija, kako to da uvijek napravite tako posebnu i drugačiju ogrlicu?
D’s CollArs:
Inspiracija se javi kada pred sobom imam određenu količinu raznih boja perlica, kamenčića, cirkona, kristalića....nikada unaprijed ne znam kako će to sve izgledati. Ali na kraju uvijek ispadne dobitna kombinacija, jer osoba kojoj poklanjam se istinski obraduje, a ako je riječ o narudžbi, sve dame do sada su bile zadovoljne urađenim.
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Izrađujete li ogrlice po svojoj želji ili je moguće da kupac učestvuje u kreiranju ogrlice?
D’s CollArs:
Najčešće uradim ogrlicu koja je plod moje mašte i kreativnosti, ali isto tako prihvatim prijedlog i želju dame koja naruči ogrlicu. Ukoliko je ogrlica za neku posebnu priliku (vjenčanje, maturska zabava i slično), svakako poštujem izbor boja koje će se uklopiti uz haljinu koju će dama nositi za tu prigodu.

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Koji je Vaš prijedlog uz koji outfit najbolje pristaju D’s CollArs ogrlice?
D's CollArs:
Smatram da se moje ogrlice mogu uklopiti u casual, večernje, pa i školske outfite. Na kraju se sve svede na to da je samo potrebno znati nositi ogrlicu na pravi način i sa odgovarajućim komadima odjeće, jer nakit je “začin”.
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Imate li planove za dalji razvoj Vašeg umijeća ? Šta je sa naušnicama, prstenjem, dodacima za kosu i slično? Da li planirate proširiti Vaš asortiman?
D's CollArs: Što se tiče planova, trenutno ih nemam, osim možda želje za još nekim vrstama i tehnikama ručnog rada i učestvovanjem na BiH Fashion Week-u u saradnji sa nekim od BH dizajnera. Što se tiče ostalih komada nakita,uradila sam nekoliko naušnica i narukvica, a voljela bih imati više slobodnog vremena za izradu prstenja, ukosnica itd.

Unikatne i prelijepe D's CollArs naušnice

Unikatne i prelijepe D's CollArs naušnice
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Kako doći u posjed neke od divnih D’s Collars ogrlice/kragnice?
D’s CollArs: Narudžbe su putem Facebook profila: D's CollArs. Što se tiče cijena, one su različite u zavisnosti od količine i vrste materijala koje utrošim za izradu pojedinog komada nakita. Danas je ručni rad veoma malo cijenjen, iako pojedine dame i danas to jako cijene, jer za sebe žele unikatan i jedinstven komad nakita, a koji je ipak dostupan po prihvatljivoj cijeni.
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Ogrlice Vašeg branda primjećene su na poznatim TV licima u regionu, možete li izdvojiti neke od Vaših vjernih kupaca?
D’s CollArs: Ne bih izdvajala ni jednu od dama koje kupuju i vole da nose moje ručne radove. Pored TV lica, ( za neke sam izrađivala i ogrlice za dan njihovih vjenčanja), CollArs-ice nose sve trendi djevojke i žene koje se žele izdvojiti iz mase dosadnih outfit-a, a meni su sve drage i svaku do jedne želim da oduševim svojim radom.
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Elegantna PR menadžerica bh producentske kuće Nadira Pašić |
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TV lice Nataša Petrović |
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Tanja Đurović, urednica i voditeljica popularnog TV talk show-a |
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Koje vrste ogrlica predlažete za jesen 2013. ? Koje boje su jesenji trend, te koji stil se najbolje uklapa uz jesenje ogrlice/kragnice?
D’s CollArs: Jesenje ogrlice iz naše male radionice bit će chic, jedinstvene, pune kristalića i poludragog kamenja. Što se tiče boja za nadolazeću sezonu, mislim da su u centru pozornosti boje dragog kamenja, boja ciklame, te boja crvenog vina.
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Jesen by D's CollArs |
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Jesenja hit boja : ciklama |

Jesenja hit boja: bordo
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Imate li Vi svoj omiljeni D’s CollArs komad, koliko ogrlica čuvate u svojoj vlastitoj kolekciji i ne mislite ih prodavati ?
D’s CollArs: Vjerovali ili ne, niti jednu ogrlicu nisam uspjela ostaviti ili napraviti za sebe. Jedino one koje sam napravila za svoje kćerke, ali to su ipak njihove.
Uz zahvale na izdvojenom vremenu za intervju, D's CollArs timu želimo uspjeh u daljem radu i mnogo, mnogo prodatih kragnica, a svim Club Fashionisticama da obavezno svrate na FB stranicu D’s CollArs, i izaberu za sebe originalnu ručno rađenu ogrlicu!
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Trend Fall: Red Necklace |
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Cool Baroque Collar |
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