By Aless Gibaja
(In English & Spanish)
Tener una piel radiante es más fácil de lo pensamos, solo tenemos que regalarle a nuestra piel alimentos llenos de minerales y vitaminas que hacen que nuestra piel sea más joven. He hecho una lista de los diez alimentos que os ayudarán a tener una piel increíble.
Having radiant skin is easier than you think, you just have to give to you skin food full of minerals and vitamins, which makes your skin more young. I made a list of my top ten foods that will help you to have amazing skin. Please note the following is not a medical advice but based on my own personal opinion formed after some very basic research.
The following are my top 10 foods for beautiful skin:
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Red Grapes Uvas Rojas |
1. Las uvas rojas es una fruta que contiene grandes cantidades de antioxidantes, que aportarán mucha luminosidad a tu piel. Las uvas rojas son también un antistamínico natural, lo que pueden prevenir alergias y constipados.
1. Red grapes are a fruit that contain a large amount of antioxidants, which provide a lot of nourishment to your skin. Also, red grapes are a natural antihistamine, which can prevent allergies and colds.
1. Red grapes are a fruit that contain a large amount of antioxidants, which provide a lot of nourishment to your skin. Also, red grapes are a natural antihistamine, which can prevent allergies and colds.
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Strawberries Fresas |
2. Las fresas son pura Vitamina C, son una de las frutás más antioxidantes que existen, por lo tanto aportan una dósis muy alta de antioxidantes a tu piel. Las fresas tienen el poder de protegerte sobre los rayos UVA.
2. Strawberries are pure Vitamin C and are an antioxidant fruit, which brings a very high dose of antioxidants to your skin. Strawberries have the power to protect against the UVA rays.
2. Strawberries are pure Vitamin C and are an antioxidant fruit, which brings a very high dose of antioxidants to your skin. Strawberries have the power to protect against the UVA rays.
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Carrots Zanahorias |
6. Las zanahorias son una gran fuente de beta-caroteno ( es un antioxidante que se convierte en Vitamina A en el cuerpo). Las zanahorias pueden hacer que tu piel parezca más sana y jóven. Comer zanahorias durante todo el año es un truco para potenciar tu bronceado.
6. Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene (an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A in the body). Carrots can make your skin look healthier and younger. Eating carrots all year is a trick to enhance your tan.
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Apricots Albaricoques |
7. Al igual que las zanahorias los albaricoques son puro beta-caroteno. Reparan la pieles más sensible, consigue que tu piel sea más suave y firme.
7. Like carrots apricots are pure beta-carotene. Apricots repair sensitive skin and make your skin more smooth and firm.
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Artichokes Alcachofas |
8. La alcachofa es un vegetal anti-aging, tiene la capacidad de hacer que tu piel parezca mucho más joven. Es el vegetal estrella para acompañar tus platos preferidos. Se que hay muchas personas que no le gusta el sabor de las alcachofas, pero puedes disimular el sabor original con un poco de limón.
8. The artichoke is an anti-aging vegetable, which has the ability to fight your aging skin. This veggie is ideal to accompany your favorite dishes. I know there are many people who do not like the taste of artichokes, but you can easily change their flavor with lemon.
8. The artichoke is an anti-aging vegetable, which has the ability to fight your aging skin. This veggie is ideal to accompany your favorite dishes. I know there are many people who do not like the taste of artichokes, but you can easily change their flavor with lemon.
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Soybeans Soja |
9. La soja tiene la propiedad de regenerar la piel, ayuda a cuidar las imperfecciones de la piel y combate el acné. Es un aliado tanto para los más jovenes y mayores.
9. Soy has the ability to regenerate skin, helps your skin blemishes and fights acne. Soy is appropriate for young and old skin.
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