By Paulina Fornovi from Shiny and Fashion
Good morning!
In this post I will discuss (1) the importance of washing your face with extremely cold water and (2) how to eliminate and avoid dark circles.
Also, please refer to my previous post and video about the importance of massaging the area underneath your eyes to eliminate the puffiness.
I. Why Wash Your Face with Cold Water?
Cold Water Meets Warm Skin
The important factor is the contact of the cold water with the surface of your skin, which is already warm. As a result, heat is produced when the cold water meets the warm surface of your face.
Cold Water Meets Warm Skin
The important factor is the contact of the cold water with the surface of your skin, which is already warm. As a result, heat is produced when the cold water meets the warm surface of your face.
Cold Water Stimulates Circulation
Rinsing your face with very cold water arouses and stimulates circulation all over your body. The cold water eliminates the unhealthy heat inside your body and improves your circulation. The cold water coupled with warm skin creates a thermal equilibrium in your body.
The Cold Water Cleanses Capillaries from Waste
The cold water has the ability to wake up lazy blood cells, which are inactive and tell them to move faster. By stimulating the blood cells in your system, the cold water is able to flush the capillaries in the tissues and cleanse them from the build-up of waste, which can cause acne.
Cold Water Better Cleanses the Surface of Your Skin
The Cold Water Cleanses Capillaries from Waste
The cold water has the ability to wake up lazy blood cells, which are inactive and tell them to move faster. By stimulating the blood cells in your system, the cold water is able to flush the capillaries in the tissues and cleanse them from the build-up of waste, which can cause acne.
Cold Water Better Cleanses the Surface of Your Skin
Moreover, rinsing your face with very cold water does not enlarge your pores; instead, the pores remain their normal size. In turn, your cleanser can cleanse only the surface of your skin.
How to Wash Your Face with Cold Water
How to Wash Your Face with Cold Water
(a) Use your faucet's coldest possible temperature.
(b) Rinse your face with cold water for at least ten seconds.

II. How to Avoid and Eliminate Dark Circles
(1) Moisturize daily with a special cream for eye contour area of dark circles.
(2) Always use an eye cream containing rose hip or aloe vera.
Steps for Applying Moisturizer Appropriately
(1) Apply the appropriate moisutrizer for your skin, which depends on the type of skin you have, e.g. oily, combination, and dry.
(2) Apply the appropriate moisturizer on your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and neck.
(3) Massage the areas of your skin where you have applied the moisturizer with circular movements towards the end of your face.
(4) Moisturize your neck area, i.e. from your chin to right above your throat.
(2) Apply the appropriate moisturizer on your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and neck.
(3) Massage the areas of your skin where you have applied the moisturizer with circular movements towards the end of your face.
(4) Moisturize your neck area, i.e. from your chin to right above your throat.

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En español:
Buenos días!
En español:
Buenos días!
Lo primero que tenemos que hacer al despertar, después de hacernos un masaje en la zona inferior de los ojos si tuviéramos bolsas de ojos, ("How to Eliminate Bags Under Eyes) es lo siguiente:
Abrir el grifo en posición agua fría (Lo más fría posible). Echarnos el agua fría sobre la piel de la cara al menos durante 10 segundos. Lo importante es el contacto con el agua fría de la superficie de nuestra piel. Cuando se emplea agua fría, es el calor producido por reacción contra el frío.
Ésto “elimina” los residuos y “asimila” nuevos elementos activando el cambio orgánico. Las aplicaciones frías, por reacción nerviosa y circulatoria, atraen a la piel el calor malsano del interior del cuerpo, equilibrando así sus temperaturas. En esta forma se consigue restablecer la normalidad orgánica que precisa Equilibrio Térmico del cuerpo.
El agua fría normaliza: 1) Porque despierta la actividad funcional del organismo ; 2) Porque, mediante la reacción térmica saca a la superficie del cuerpo la congestión de sus entrañas, que es fiebre destructiva; 3) Porque favorece por los poros la expulsión de las impurezas de la sangre.
Así activada la piel, las impurezas internas son expulsadas por los poros por simple exhalación o por transpiración.
¿Cómo evitar y eliminar las ojeras?
Hay que hidratar la zona de las ojeras todos los días con una crema especial para contorno de ojos.
Usamos siempre una crema que contenga rosa mosqueta o aloe vera.
¿Cómo ponerse la crema hidratante en la cara?
Aplicamos crema hidratante apropiada para la piel que personalmente tengamos, sobre la frente, nariz, pómulos, barbilla y cuello.
Masajeamos las zonas de la piel en las que hemos aplicado la crema hidratante con movimientos circulares y expandiéndo hacia los extremos de la cara a continuación.
En la zona de piel del cuello la crema la expandimos desde el centro hacia los extremos.
Os dejo un vídeo indicativo de cada uno de los pasos.
Muchas gracias a todos los fashionistas por seguirnos! Esperamos que os haya gustado este post!
SHINY and FASHION by: Paulina Fornovi Web:
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