By Nerina Hodzic
If you are amongst those who are not afraid to try new trends and different styles, then you surely have already purchased at least one pair of floral pants. While shopping in Split, Croatia, I bought black shorts covered with yellow, orange, and pink flowers. Honestly, it is not so easy to combine them with other clothes, especially if you want to wear it to work. Just for you, dear fashionistas, below are a few suggestions on how to wear trendy spring floral pants at work, casual-style while out with friends, and for a crazy night out!
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Outfit for a Crazy Night Out |
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
Ukoliko ste od onih koji se ne boje isprobavanja novih trendova i razlicitih stilova, onda ste sigurno vec nabavili barem jedan komad cvijetnih hlaca. Ja sam bas u nedavnom shopping u Splitu (Hrvatska) kupila crne hlacice duzine 7/8 posute cvijecem u bojama proljeca: zuta, narandzasta, roza. Iskreno, nije bas jednostavno kombinirati ih uz ostalu odjecu, posebno ukoliko ih zelite odjenuti na posao. Samo za vas, drage fashionistice, u nastavku nekoliko prijedloga kako nositi proljetne trendovske cvijetne hlace na poslu, u casual varijanti i za ludi nocni izlazak!
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