By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
Blogging in Southeastern Europe is increasing as we speak, trendsetters are making statements with their everyday outfits, revealing their beauty secrets and everything else related to the world of beauty, fashion and luxury. We have been tracking a large number of bloggers through their daily fashion diaries. Finally, I spotted an outrageously beautiful blond, who is quite the diva and a local celebrity with over 51,000 fans on Facebook. She was educated in Milan, Italy (the fashion Accademia del Lusso School of Fashion) and currently resides in Belgrade Serbia. Her name is Zorana Jovanovic, and she is the proud owner of her spectacular blog called Zorannah's Fashion Corner. She goes by the pen name Zorannah.
Her hair is stunning with its fullness, shine and curls; her closet is full of designer items, and she has a multitude of fun videoclips (scroll down to see). So, we decided to contact her on behalf of Club Fashionista and exchange a friendly chat. Her street-style is simply irresistible as she shows it off in cosmopolitan cities around the world.
Her story as exposed on her blog started out differently: she began writing during a very ugly period in her life. She did not get out of the bed for about three months, and her only wardrobe changes consisted of sweatpants and pajamas. Without further ado, let's go and meet her!

Her story as exposed on her blog started out differently: she began writing during a very ugly period in her life. She did not get out of the bed for about three months, and her only wardrobe changes consisted of sweatpants and pajamas. Without further ado, let's go and meet her!
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Zorannah |
Zorannah: I needed something that would motivate me to wakeup, get out of the house and to fix whatever I was going through. At the time, I was following one or two blogs; before deciding to study in Milan, I decided to start writing my own blog and share with the world what I had to say.

She has been a blondie as far back as she could remember, well not quite literally but...
Zorannah: Sometime in elementary school, I decided to try blond highlights; my mother is blond, and she is the main culprit here :) Subsequently, somewhere in the first or second year of high school, I completely dyed my hair to blond. I have only been a brunette for two weeks two years ago. Maintaining the blond color has been easy since I am not someone who likes to experiment with her hair.
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My Signature Blond Locks |
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Zorannah's Choice of Footwear, if she could keep only five pairs... |
Zorannah, as most of us women, has too many clothes that she does not need; so, is there an abundant amount that you have never worn?

Zorannah: Definitely, I have a lot of things; but there is nothing in my closets that I have not worn. After every photo session, I wear my outfits for the next couple of weeks and then the problem beings: my clothes start to pile-up. As far as shopping, I buy my clothes mainly in Belgrade; for my accessories, i.e. handbags and shoes, I go abroad for shopping sprees.
Her favorite destinations for shopping: LA, Paris and London. In fact, here she gives us a "Closet Tour," watch her video clip:
The beauty about fashion is that it is a universal "language," which everyone speaks; here, although Zorannah speaks in Serbian, you can recognize many of the luxury designers, e.g., Louboutin and Louis Vuitton, which many of us adore.
What are some of your top choices for the autumn?
Zorannah: black leather pants, tights, light gray oversized sweater, wedge sneakers, a scarf and sunglasses. There is a t-shirt that says "All blogs post the same stuff," which in fact is true because there are "it" pieces that all of us fashion bloggers own or desire to own. Currently, I have spotted one fashion blogger trend: checkered long sleeved shirt that is being tied around the waist. See the photos below.
After many posts and photos, Zorannah decided to publish fun tutorial videos...
Zorannah: The logical sequence of events was that on certain subject matters I make videos because that would be useful to my followers, e.g., what makeup to use, what beauty products to use, to review perfumes and many other beauty insider tips.
This successful blogger enjoys all the benefits of the social media era so she is faithful to Instagramu, where she likes to follow Russian fashionistas and "it" girls like Miroslava Duma and American fashion icons like Nicole Richie, Rachel Zoe and Mary Kate Olsen. Also, she follows Cassie although she has completely opposite style.
Club Fashionista: You must dish, approximately how much do you spend monthly and your beauty products, including makeup? What is your favorite make up look?
Zorannah: I must admit I do not do the math! I will abstain from shopping for periods of time; however, when I am out, I will make some large damage to my wallet. My favorite makeup look is the Mary-Kate Olsen look with brown eyeshadow around the entire eye, nude lips, pale face but perfectly blended contours.
In this video clip, Zorannah discusses her favorite beauty products:

Zorannah is girl who stands firmly with both feet on the ground, and without too much planning, she takes action and immerses herself in work. As far as her dreams are concerned, she said
Zorannah: My dream is not related to my blog and the fashion world but primarily revolves around family. I dream of having a large yard, four children, a funny husband, and lots of friends of my children, with whom the home will never be a boring and a quiet place!
A huge thanks to Zorannah on this beauty and style chat, and I wish to her all the happiness and success (and the four children)! :) We look forward to following you around the world in all of your colorful ensembles.
Zorannah: Lots of hugs from the rainy Belgrade to all Club Fashionistas!
I want to let you know that this is just the beginning of our fashion escapades in the Balkans! Stay tuned for more...
I want to let you know that this is just the beginning of our fashion escapades in the Balkans! Stay tuned for more...

Balkanska bloggerska scena svakim danom broji sve veći broj blogova osvećenim modnim temama, trendovima, svakodnevnim outfitima, beauty novitetima, te svemu vezanom za taj uvijek atraktivni svijet mode, luksuza, stila.
Veliki je broj bloggerica koje možemo svakodnevno pratiti kroz njihove modne dnevnike, međutim malo je onih na čije blogove se rado vraćamo. Jedna od takvih upravo je plavokosa Beograđanka, sa kojom smo proćaskali jedno oktobarsko popodne. Za stranice Club Fashionista, donosimo slatke male modne tajne bloggerice koja ima preko 51.000 Facebook pratioca, prekrasne plave uvojke, veličanstven ormar pun dizajnerskih komada, te mnoštvo interesantnih video clipova, od kojih ćemo nekoliko predstaviti u nastavku. Idemo ju upoznati!

Zorana Jovanović je ponosna vlasnica bloga Zorannah's Fashion corner, sa diplomom italijanske škole mode Accademia del Lusso. Živi u Beogradu, a fotografije svojih outfita postavlja kako sa beogradskih ulica i trendy evenata, tako i sa ulica mnogih svjetskih metropola, koje rado posjećuje.Njena priča o samim počecima bloggerskog života je pomalo drugačija. Blog je počela pisati nakon jako ružnog perioda u svom životu. Bio je to period kada 3 mjeseca nije izlazila iz kreveta, a jedino što je oblačila bile su piđame i trenerke.
Zorannah: Trebalo mi je nešto da imam motiv da izađem iz kuće i da se sredim. U to vreme sam pratila jedan ili dva bloga i pre puta u Milano sa Akademijom sam rešila da otvorim svoj sopstveni blog.

Plavuša je otkad zna za sebe. Ne baš doslovno, ali....
Zorannah: Negde u osnovnoj školi sam krenula da izvlačim plave pramenove (mama moja je plava i ona je glavni krivac, hehe), a onda sam se negde u prvom,drugom razredu srednje škole skroz ofarbala. Imala sam samo jedan izlet u smeđe pre 2 godine koji je trajao dve nedelje. Jednostavno to sam ja. Nisam neko ko voli da eksperimentiše sa kosom.
Zorannah, kao i većina svih nas ženskog roda, zna da ima previše odjeće. Naravno, postoje i komadi koje još uvijek nije obukla.
Zorannah: Daaaa! Definitivno imam mnogo toga, ali ništa ne nosim. Kadase jednom uslikam, to mogu ponovo obući tek za par nedelja i onda se stvari gomilaju. Što se shoppinga tiče, garderobu uglavnom kupujem u Beogradu, a torbe i cipele u inostranstvu.
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Zoranin izbor obuće kad bi mogla zadržati samo 5 pari |
Njene omiljene destinacije za shopping su LA, Pariz i London.
Kako bi mogli dobiti bolji uvid u Zoranine riječi, slijedi video clip "Ormar tour". Uživajte!
Ono što Zorannah izdvaja kao top outfit za jednu jesenju popodnevnu šetnju podrazumijeva crne kožne pantalone/helanke, svijetlo sivi oversize džemper, patike na platformu, veliki šal i sunčane naočale.
Na pitanje o stilu bloggera, Zorannah govori:
Ima jedna majica na kojoj piše "All blogs post the same stuff". I upravu su. Postoje "it" komadi koje mi svi imamo ili želimo da imamo. Oh, trenutno su to karirane košulje zavezane oko struka!
Na svom blogu postavlja isključivo outfit postove i ne voli da ubacuje ništa drugo. Nakon postova i fotografija, Zorannah je počela i sa objavljivanjem interesantnih video clipova.
Zorannah: Logičan sled događaja je bio da o određenim stvarima snimam video clipove, jer tako zadovoljim potrebe posetioca da znaju šta koristim od šminke, beauty preparata, koje parfeme volim, te mnogo drugih sitnica o meni.
Ova uspješna bloggerica uživa u svim čarima internet ere, tako da je vjerna i Instagramu, na kojem voli da gleda dame sa ruske modne scene,poput Miroslave Dume. Nicole Richie, Rachel Zoe, Mary Kate Olsen, kao i njihova potpuna suprotnost Cassie - to su celebrity osobe na čije fotografije često klikne "like".

Club Fashionista: Hajde, priznaj nam, koliko novca mjesečno trošiš na beauty proizvode i šminku? Omiljeni make up look?
Zorannah: Tačnu računicu stvarno nemam. Zavisi kako kada.. Nekada mi stvarno nije do shoppinga, a nekada u jednom danu napravim ogromnu štetu (svom novčaniku). Volim onaj ispijeni look koji fura Mary Kate Olsen: braon senka oko celog oka, nude usne, bledo lice, ali savršeno ukontureno.

Zorannah je djevojka koja čvrsto stoji s obje noge na zemlji, te ništa mnogo unaprijed ne planira, samo ide naprijed i radi na realizaciji svojih planova. Što se njenih snova tiče, ona ističe: Moji snovi nisu vezani za blog i posao, već isključivo za porodicu; a tu sanjam veliko dvorište, četvoro dece, muža kako pravi roštilj i još petoro prijatelja moje dece koji zajedno s njima, prave haos!
Zoranine omiljene kozmetičke preparate pogledajte u videu koji slijedi:
Veliko hvala Zorani na ovom ćaskanju, uz želje za onom dječicom sa kraja našeg razgovora, te svakako još mnogo mnogo atraktivnih i originalnih outfita na njenom blogu.
Uz Zoranine pozdrave iz kišovitog Beograda za sve Club Fashioniste, želim da vas obavijestim da je ovo tek početak modnih priča sa Balkana! X O X O

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