By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
I am a huge fan of Miss Freida Pinto ever since her enchanting international debut in Slum Dog Millionaire; and since her birthday is coming up (October 18th, 1984), I wanted to dedicate this post to her!
Early Stardom
Freida Pinto Selena is an Indian actress and model. She was born on the 18th October 1984 in Mumbai. Her dream was to become an actress since she was a little girl. Before her breakthrough role in Slum Dog Millionaire, she worked as a model and television presenter, and starred in a TV drama.

Slum Dog Millionaire
Pinto rose to prominence by playing the role of "Latika" in the 2008 British-Indian-drama film Slumdog Millionaire, which was a film that marked her debut globally.
Here is one of my favorite scenes from the movie:
Her performance was well received, and she won the "Breakthrough Performance Award" at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance Cast in a Motion Picture. In addition, her work has been nominated at various festivals such as the British Academy of Film Awards BAFTA and MTV Movie Awards. Since then, she has starred in numerous British-Indian film production.
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Freida Pinto in Slum Dog Millionaire |
Recent Freida Pinto Movies
Since then, she has starred in a number of British-Indian and Indian-American productions, most notably You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Rise of the Planet of the Apes (starring James Franco), Immortals and Trishna, all in which she played a leading character.
Humanitarian Work
Freida Pinto is a part of the "Agassi Foundation," which is a philanthropic organization started by Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, and which looks after providing education for deprived children.
Freida Pinto on Cover of Vogue India
She is simply gorgeous with her shiny black hair and her pearly smile; she has graced the covers of many international magazines, including the cover of Vogue India in October! The cover is racy and one of her the most provocative covers of Vogue India!

Happy Birthday!
Ms. Freida Pinto, we wish you a happy birthday and much happiness and success in both your personal life and career!

Freida Pinto Selena je indijska glumica i model. Rođena je 18.10.1984. u Mumbaiu. Ona je željela postati glumica od malih nogu . Prije njenog filmskog proboja , radila je kao model i televizijska voditeljica , te glumila u dramama.
Uloga "Latike" u Britansko Indijskom filmu Slumdog Millionaire 2008. godine vinula ju je u zvijezde. Njen nastup je bio dobro primljen , a osvojila je nagradu "Breakthrough Performance Award" na Palm Springs International Film Festivalu i Screen Actors Guild Award za najbolju izvedbu u anketama u Motion Picture .
Osim toga , njen rad je bio nominiran na raznim svečanostima kao što su nagrada Britanske akademije za filmsku nagradu BAFTA-u i MTV Movie Awards. Od tada je glumila u brojnim filmovima britansko- indijske produkcije.
Freidu u glavnoj ulozi možete gledati u fimovima: You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Immortals i Trishna.

Freida Pinto je dio "Agassi Foundation", filantropske organizacije koju su započeli Andre Agassi i Steffi Graf koja omogućuje obrazovanje siromašne djece.
Veoma zgodna, duge njegovane kose, milog pogleda i blistavog osmijeha krasila je mnoge naslovnice poznatih svjetskih časopisa, a jedna u nizu fotografija ove lijepe Indijke krasi i naslovnicu oktobarskog izdanja Vogue India, na kojem izgleda provokativnije nego ikad!
Freida, želimo ti sretan rođendan i još mnogo uspjeha u privatnom i poslovnom životu!

Frida does not have the best style, but she is a good actress...
Frida is sexy
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