By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
In the 14th century, people wore purses underneath layers of material: under full dresses and skirts. Women used their purses to carry their sowing items, scented herbs, cosmetics, and jewelry. Purses were not always considered a “fashion item” but instead were also used to carry seeds to the plantations.
"IT" Bags of 2013 |
14th Century Purses |
In the 18th century, small purses became a women’s must have accessory. Women from the high society owned bags for to complement their various outfits and used the bags to carry their perfumes.
18h Century Purses |
In the 19th century, fashion changed: dressed became thinner, tighter, less layered. In another words, women’s wear become more transparent and purses began to be carried on the wrist. During this time, and for the first time in the history of fashion, purses become a symbol of social standing.
19th Century Purses |
Today, just like in the 19th century, purses remain a sign of status and prestige. The connection between celebrities and particular design is so strong that some of the most popular bags have been named after these celebrated women: Jackie O., Birkin, Grace Kelly, Lady Dior, Sofia, Gisele Bag, etc.
Hermes 2013 Collection |
I would love a chance to create a purse and name it after meJ How would your bag look like? Mine would have a bit of metal, a bit of animal print, and lots of room.
Jimmy Choo Bags 2013
Today, bags have become an essential part of every woman ensemble, as well as a highly desired article by many men. 21st century is an age where bags practically “entice” consumers from online shops/websites (i.e. Did I just quote the movie Confessions of a Shopoholic?!)
.jpg) |
Dolce & Gabbana Fall Winter 2014 Bag
The choice is difficult: shapes, sizes, brands, types of material, uses, length of the handle, number of pockets, assortment of colors…amazing! However, there are couple of difficulties we can encounter on our journey from “desiring a beautiful bag” to actually “owning a beautiful bag”. For example, luxury purses can equate to more than 2 monthly pay checks. Other obstacles include: lack of storage space in your closet and your boyfriend/husband complaining on how you already own the “same type”.
Valentino S/S 2013 Bags
Below are some more photos of the 2013 bags that really stand out! Greetings to everyone from Sarajevo!
PS. I am in a hurry to read E.L. James and “all her shades of gray”. The trilogy was only recently published in my country!
In Bosnian:
U 14. stoljecu tasne su se nosile ispod slojeva i slojeva materijala, pod haljinama i suknjama. Zene su u njima nosile pribor za sivanje, a potom i mirisljave trave, kozmetiku, novac i nakit. Tasne nisu oduvijek predstavljale modni izricaj, nekada su ih ljudi koristili za nosenje sjemena za sadjenje na poljima.
U 18. stoljecu male tasne su postale zenski dodatak. Zene iz visokog drustva posjedovale su tasnicu za svaki outfit i koristile ju za svoje mirisljave vodice.
14. Stoljece |
U 19 stoljecu moda se izmjenila, haljine su postale tanje, uze, u manje slojeva, jednom rjecju, polutransparentne pa su se do tada skrivene tasne preselile na zglobove ruku. U to vrijeme se po prvi put u historiji mode po tasni odredjivalo koliko visoko se neko kotira na drustvenoj ljestvici.
19. Stoljece |
U 20. stoljecu, tasna oznacava zensku neovisnost, te od tada se kroz godine nastavlja modernizirati.
Danas, bas kao i u 19. stoljecu , tasne su jos uvijek znak prestiza i statusa.
Dolce & Gabbana Fall Winter 2014 Bag |
Veza izmedju slavnih zena i odredjenog dizajna tasni je toliko jaka da su neke od najpopularnijih modela dobili ime upravo po damama: Jackie O., Birkin, Grace Kelly, Greta, Lady Dior, Sofia, Gisele Bag...
Dolce & Gabbana Fall Winter 2014 Bag
Bilo bi interesantno dizajnirati tasnu i nazvati ju imenom svojim:) Kako bi vasa tasna izgledala? Moja bi imala malo metala, malo animal printa i puno prostora:)
Celine Bags |
Gucci Purses 2013 Collection
Danas, tasna je u zivotu jedne djevojke/zene neizostavan modni dodatak, te svakako veoma trazen dodatak i od strane muske populacije. 21. stoljece donosi tasne koje vas naprosto "pozivaju" sa izloga i sa webova online trgovina da ih kupite i posjedujete. ( o.p. Da li ja to pisem recenicu a la shoppingholicarka?!) .
Louis Vuitton 2013 Collection
Izbor je pretezak: oblici, velicine, brend, vrsta materijala, namjena, duzina rucke, broj dzepica, kombinacija nijansi......preludo! Medjutim, postoji nekoliko mogucih problema na putu od zelje do posjedovanja iste, kao npr. preskupa tasna (vise od vase 2 mjesecne plate), u vasem domu nema vise slobodne police za skladistenje jos jedne superfullcoolprakticne tasnice , vas dragi vas gleda "pa imas istu takvu" pogledom :S
Veliki pozdrav iz malog Sarajeva!
Zurim, na stolu me ceka E.L. James i njene sive ( kod nas je tek prije mjesec izdata ta triologija) !
Adore this article! So refreshing!
Bravo for you Club Fashionista!
LOVE this post. So original!
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