In English, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian
Dee Dee Sparrow - she is like a songbird, cheerful, always surrounded by leaping scissors, materials, and needles. Her creations are airy, pleasant, wearable...she follows only one motto -make clothes for a person, not a doll!
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Dee Dee Sparrow with her design |
CF : Who actually is Dee Dee Sparrow? How did you choose that name?
DeeDee has always been my nickname, and my actual last name in English means Sparrow so that was all the more reason to choose exactly my designer name. Moreover, the thought of this cute little bird hopping that represents freedom and nature seemed fitting.
CF: When and how did did you fall in love with designing?
Even as a little girl, I made dresses for dolls, I was constantly redesigning and chopping...

CF: What was your first collection like? Compare your first collection with the latest?
Even as a little girl, I made dresses for dolls, I was constantly redesigning and chopping...

CF: What was your first collection like? Compare your first collection with the latest?
My first collection was made from anything I could find in my house. I was 18, and the first show was held at the Holiday Inn in Sarajevo, organized by ABC models. I had a dozen designs, and I have to admit that they were all bought by a boutique in Brcko, Bosnia. In comparison with my latest collection, done on March of this year, I can say that the last designs (sewn all on my own) were more complicated patterns and difficult materials to work with. The last collection was more serious, which is a normal since I myself am ten years older now.
CF: Why is it a good choice to be a fashion designer? Can you make a living on that in Bosnia?
It's a good choice because it's always a channel where you can creatively express yourself and blow off steam, negative energy. Also, you do not have to look for where to buy clothes, what you need and what you want to have, but just create it yourself. I always have gifts for wonderful people. I do not think you can make a living form being a fashion designer in Bosnia but it's definitely a good source of extra income because there are still people who like to have something that is tailor made personally for them.

CF: What are your favorite materials to work with?
I like to work with all natural materials, of course, it depend on the season and my mood.
CF: What inspires you?
Everything can inspire me. Both beautiful and the not so beautiful. Inspiration is all around us, but definitely what inspires me the most is nature, especially the Adriatic sea.

CF: Do you have your own fashion motto?
Dress for the body you have, not the body you want.
CF: Who are your most frequent customers?
Mostly girls, young women, who prefer to wear comfortable clothes, to have a piece that is multifunctional, unusual and unique.
CF: Who would you like to dress?
I would like to dress Miroslava Duma.

CF: Who do you think are the best-dressed men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world?
There are a lot of girls, who have a sense of fashion and are not public figures, so in Bosnia I would not single out anyone. Women in Bosnia have a sense for beauty and design, and devote a lot of attention to detail, which is certainly commendable. Men's fashion does not match the women's passion and sense for fashion in Bosnia. I like how the women were in the photographs of the world famous photographer Murad Osmanna.

CF: How would you describe the fashion scene in Bosnia in comparison with other countries? What would you like change?
Our fashion scene is trying to be in line with the rest of the world but there is still room for improvement. I believe that our department stores and other fashion stores and boutiques, which now offer more, are very successful. The major issue is financing the first fashion collections of young designers. The lack of financial support for young talent has made Bosnia lag behind in comparison with other cosmopolitan cities in the West.
CF: What is your attitude about the prevailing trends?
Trendy is what makes you feel good, and should not be followed blindly. Everything that is trendy often does not fit all ages and people of certain occupations. It is just as not all colors suit people of all ages and body types.

CF: Do you have any role models in the fashion world?
I see my style as resembling some other noteworthy designers, but I believe there is no need for role models. We are all creators of something that is our own that should remain consistent.
CF: Based on what criteria do you decide what models will walk your runway?
I like girls who are charismatic and smile a lot. If during the casting I see your enthusiasm, I know you will do the same when wearing my dress.
CF: What are your plans for the future? What else can we expect from you? When is your next fashion show?
My next show you can expect at the Fall Fashion Week in Sarajevo. Our online shop will remain in operation while I will promptly notify when other venues to buy my line become available.

CF: And finally, to all the readers ClubFashionista, what would you like to say?
Everything you do should be a product of you and your feelings. Remember that the most expensive dress, bag and shoes cannot disguise an ugly character and a frowning face. For that reason smile and take care of your inner core!
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Runway |
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
Dee Dee Sparrow - ona je zaista ptica pjevica, vesela, skakutava uvijek okružena škarama, materijalima, iglicama, končićima.. njene kreacije su lepršave,ugodne,nosive..ona slijedi samo jedan moto -raditi odjeću za osobu, a ne za lutku!
CF: Tko je zapravo Dee Dee Sparrow ? Kako ste izabrali to ime? DeeDee je oduvijek moj nadimak, a Sparrow na engl. znači Vrabac što je jedno od moja dva prezimena, a razlog više da izaberem baš to jeste i ta slatka skakutava ptičica koja svakako predstavlja slobodu i prirodu.
CF: Kada je i kako počela vaša ljubav prema kreiranju?
Još kao djevojčica sam pravila haljinice svojim lutkama, stalno nešto prepravljala i sjeckala...
CF: Kako je izgledala vaša prva kolekcija? Usporedite vašu prvu kolekciju sa zadnjom?
Moja prva kolekcija je bila napravljena od svega što sam mogla da pronađem u svojoj kući. Imala sam 18 godina, i prva revija održana je u Holiday Innu u organizaciji ABC models. Imala sam dvadesetak modela, i moram priznati da ih je sve otkupio jedan butik u Brčkom još tada. U uspoređenju sa mojom zadnjom kolekcijom, iz ožujka ove godine, mogu reći da je zadnja stručnije sašivena (sve radim sama), upuštam se u kompliciranije krojeve i zahtjevnije materijale. U odnosu na prvu, zadnja je i ozbiljnija, što je i normalan slijed zbivanja budući da sam i sama deset godina starija.
CF: Zašto je dobro biti modni dizajner?
Može li se u BiH živjeti od toga? Dobro je iz razloga što je to uvijek onaj ventil gdje se možeš kreativno izraziti, ispuhati negativnu energiju, ne moraš tražiti gdje da kupiš ono što ti treba i što želiš da imaš, već to jednostavno napraviš. I uvijek imaš poklone za drage ljude Ja osobno radim drugi posao, koji nema veze sa dizajnom. Mislim da se ne može kvalitetno živjeti od toga u BiH, ali je svakako dobar izvor dodatnih prihoda jer još uvijek ima ljudi koji vole da imaju nešto unikatno.
CF: Koji su vam omiljeni materijali i uzorci?
Svi prirodni materijali, a uzorci zavise od godišnjeg doba i mog raspoloženja.
CF: Što vas inspirira?
Sve može da me inspirira. I lijepe a i one manje lijepe stvari. Insipracija je svuda oko nas, ali definitivno najviše priroda i more.
CF: Imate li svoj modni moto?
Dress for the body you have, not the body you want.
CF: Tko su vaši najčešći klijenti?
Uglavnom djevojke, mlađe žene, koje vole da se obuku udobno, da imaju nešto što je multifunkcionalno, neobično i prije svega, unikatno.
CF: Koga biste željeli odjenuti? Željela bih odjenuti Miroslavu Dumu.
CF: Tko je, prema vašem ukusu, najbolje odjevena žena i muškarac u BiH i svijetu?
Postoji mnogo djevojaka koje imaju smisla za oblačenje a nisu javne osobe, tako da iz BiH ne bih izdvojila nikoga posebnog. Naše žene imaju smisla za lijepim, i posvećuju mnogo pažnje detaljima, što je svakako za pohvalu. Mušku modu ne pratim mnogo. Sviđa mi se kako je odjevena djevojka sa slika poznatog svjetskog fotografa Murad Osmanna.
CF: Kako biste opisali modnu scenu u BiH u usporedbi s drugim državama? Što biste željeli . promijeniti?
Naša modna scena se trudi da bude u korak sa ostatkom svijeta ali još uvijek ima prostora za poboljšanje. Smatram da naše modne kuće, kojih danas ima sve više i jako su uspješne trebaju financirati natjecanje i lansiranje prve modne linije za mladog dizajnera kojeg bi same odabrale i koji će nastaviti raditi za njih. Takvih natjecanja ima mnogo u svijetu ali kod nas baš i ne. To bi bio način da se promoviraju i mladi talenti i modne kuće.
CF: Kakav je vaš stav prema vladajućim trendovima?
Trendi je ono u čemu se osjećaš dobro, i ne treba ih slijepo slijediti. Sve što je trendi često ne dolikuje ni svim generacijama ili zanimanjima, kao što ni sve boje ne odgovaraju svim ljudima i figurama.
CF: Imate li uzora u modnom svijetu?
Svoj stil mogu da prepoznam kao sličan kod pojedinih svjetskih dizajnera, ali nema potrebe za uzorima. Svi smo mi tvorci onog nečeg „našeg“ čemu treba ostati dosljedan.
CF: Po kojim kriterijima birate tko će nositi vaše revije?
Volim curke koje su karizmatične i nasmijane. Kada na kastingu predstave sebe u najboljem svjetlu, znam da će to isto učiniti i noseći moje haljine.
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DeeDee bags! |
CF: Planovi za budućnost? Što još možemo očekivati od Vas? Sljedeća revija?
Slijedeću reviju možete očekivati na jesenjem Fashion Week-u u Sarajevu. Naš online shop i dalje ostaje u funkciji, a o drugim poduhvatima ćete biti blagovremeno obaviješteni.
CF: I za kraj, poruka svim čitateljima ClubFashionist-e
Sve što radite treba biti proizvod vas i vaših osjećaja. Zapamtite da i najskuplja haljina, torba i cipele, ne mogu da zasjene ružan karakter i namršteno lice. Zato- osmijeh :)
Contact designer:
Phone: +387 62 56 53 53
Interview by Lara Medić
Twitter: @lara_medic
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