By Rachel Burt
Edited by Sarah Baker
My favorite days are rainy days where you’re feeling bored and wanting to beautify it up. If you don’t feel like leaving the house or spending a lot on the spa, there are many remedies you can use at home that work just as well as the expensive brands. Let’s not forget, beauty comes from within, within our own homes that is.

Here are a list of my top 8 favorite at home beauty treatments
(1) Vaseline
Good for: Makeup Remover
A safe and affordable way to remove makeup late at night when you forgot to buy or do not wish to spend excessively on make-up remover. Vaseline actually helps bring moisture back into your skin, prevents aging and helps make your eye lashes thicker and stronger.
To use:
For mascara and eye makeup: dab a thin layer of Vaseline on a cotton swab and wipe off. To remove eye makeup completely: take a small amount of Vaseline on your finger and massage on the eye area until all the makeup comes off. Wipe away with a tissue or cotton and wash your face.

Caution: Make sure not to get into your eyes. It can cause you to see blurry for a little while.
(2) Baking Soda
Good For: Natural teeth whitener, residue ridden hair.
Whiter teeth without using tons of money, here you go!
To use: Mix a half of a cup of water with a teaspoon of baking soda, forming a paste. Dip your toothbrush with toothpaste already on it into the mixture and start brushing. You can also brush it with just the baking soda if you'd like. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after. You can apply this every other day for one to two weeks. After that take a break and start again the next month. You will notice a difference in just two weeks.

Caution: Make sure you take a break because using everyday can damage your enamel.
To use for ridden hair: If you need to beat through product build up, this may work for you. Mix 1 to 2 Tbsp. baking soda with small amounts of water to form a thick paste. Massage into damp hair and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with water, then shampoo hair.
*Treatment can be applied every two weeks.
(3) Olive Oil
Good for: Dry, Damaged hair.
To treat dry, damaged hair due to over dying and processing, as well as dry flakes, try the olive oil hair wrap.

To use: Heat the oil a bit, making sure not to bring to a boil. Pour it into a cup, dip a comb into the oil and start combing through dry hair. Keep combing through until you reach an oily, damp texture. Wrap your hair in a towel for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse well with shampoo, and a tiny conditioner (conditioner is optional). Your hair might have an oily texture for a couple days but after will feel super shiny and sleek looking.
*Treatment can be applied every two weeks.
(4) Mayonnaise
Good for: Conditioning hair, facials, dry skin, sunburn reliever, and helps kill lice.
(A) To use for sunburn: Forgot sunscreen, no aloe, no problem. Mayonnaise to the rescue! It helps relieve pain and burn. Just slather over your body and on the affected areas.
(B) To use for lice: Many doctors now are recommending the use mayonnaise instead of prescription drugs because lice are becoming adapting to it. Just massage the mayonnaise into hair and leave on overnight with a cap. Rinse in the morning and comb out the lice.
*You can repeat this for the entire week.
(D) To use for hair: Massage the mayonnaise into your hair and scalp just as you would conditioner. Cover your head with a shower cap or towel, wait several minute, and shampoo. The mayonnaise will moisturize your hair and give it a lustrous sheen.

(E) To use for skin: Spread the mayonnaise over your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wipe it off and rinse with cool water. Your face will feel clean and smooth.
(5) Raw Egg
Good for: Hair treatment for all hair types.
Raw egg, who would think! The yolk, rich in fats and proteins, is naturally moisturizing, while the white, which contains bacteria-eating enzymes, removes unwanted oils.

To use: For normal hair, use the entire egg. For oily hair, use egg whites only. For dry brittle hair, use egg yolks only. Use 1/2 cup of whichever egg mixture is appropriate for you and apply to clean, damp hair. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water (to prevent egg from “cooking”) and shampoo hair. Whole egg and yolks-only treatments can be applied once a month; whites-only treatment can be applied every two weeks
(6) Avocado
Good for: Body butter.
To use: Remove the pit and skin and mash avocado in a bowl. Slather the mushy avocado all over your body, including face. Massage deeply paying extra attention to the rough dry spots like elbows, knees and feet. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

My Favorite Beauty Treatment Specialties.
Ingredients: Petroleum jelly, sugar

To use: Mix the petroleum jelly and sugar together. Dab your finger in the mixture and spread on your lips, rinsing after. The Jelly will keep it moisturized, as the sugar will have rid all the dead skin cells and cracked pieces.
(8) Avocado Facial Cleanser
Got an egg and some milk around too? Perfect.
Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 avocado.
To use: Beat egg yolk until it’s frothy, then add the milk and avocado. Blend together until it reaches a lotion like texture. Rub the mixture all over your face, and rinse. You can use the leftover mixture again, making sure to refrigerate as avocado will go bad after a few days. This leaves your skin feeling the softest ever!

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