By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
Saturday night in Sarajevo: freezing, below zero degrees celsius (32 F), and the streets of Sarajevo are covered with ice. Indeed, the frosty weather did not stop bringing us, fashion lovers, together in one place: the Wear Wolf Fashion Show.
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Wear Wolf Fashion Show and Designer Behind the Brand, Anida Kapo (right) |
At one place gathered fashion designers, bloggers, international female models, hair stylists, makeup artists, photographers, fashion magazine editors, columnists and all those who have their own style, create trends and live a la mode.
The main culprit this event is a young and talented designer from Sarajevo Anida Kapo whose fashion brand Wear Wolf dominated the runway. You can read about her first leather collection HERE.
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Wear Wolf Spring/Summer 2014 |
The show took place on December 14th, 2013 in Sarajevo. This is Anida's second collection for men and women for the Spring/Summer 2014. The collection consisted of loosely fitted and laid back yet chic clothing black clothing. The materials she used hugged the body gently, was flowing, and some transparent. These creations will surely find a place in the wardrobes of some of the most courageous, modern, and those who cannot resist wearing clothes that are sure to grab the spotlight.
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Wear Wolf Spring/Summer 2014 |

Of those who attended the show are local and international influencers with whom we have chatted in the past like international model Sarah Cerkez, fashionista Martina Saira Konakovic and the designer herslef Anida Kapo. Others who attended were local fashion influencers like bloggers Vladan Gavric, Ajla Hodzic, fashion photographers Nadja Berberovic and Vanja Lisac; and models Dzenita Cemalovic, and Danijela Mijatovic. The hair of the models was done by Edo Ruscuklija (salon Hairetic).
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Designer Anida Kapo and Her guests: Bloggers Ajla Hodzic & Vladan Gavric, international model Sarah Cerkez and pop-singer Deen |
The morning after the show, we contacted Anido Kapo and asked about her impressions from last night's show. Here is what she had to say:
I was delighted with the turnout of the guests. I was very thankful for Martina Saira, who worked on the guest list. After the show, we had a few orders from the collections and many questions about my designs. In the store Alkibia, in the BBI Shopping Center in Sarajevo, my leather jackets will go on sale from my first collection. Very soon, we will have our own online shop with the entire Wear Wolf collection.

When asked whom she would like to see in her creations, Anida replied: beautiful people with style, which of course includes the Club Fashionista girls.
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Fashionista Martina Saira wearing Wear Wolf Jacket
My own outfit for the fashion event was in accordance with the present collection: black & black with some "wild touch" accessories. I wore an H & M blazer, pleather skirt from Zara, top Mango, Bata leopard wedges and belt, and a bag from Miss Selfridge. My corn braid style was by Salon Star.
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Me (right) at the Fashion Show with a Friend (Emy, left) |
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My Outfit for the Fashion Show Wear Wolf |
Until the next post, stay happy and stylish!
In Bosnian:
Subotnje veče u Sarajevu. Minusi i poledica po asfaltu nisu smetali da se na jednom mjestu okupi tako veliki broj zaljubljenika u modu i sve oko mode. Na jednom mjestu u isto vrijeme bili su modni dizajneri, bloggeri, uspješni manekeni, hair stilisti, make up artisti, fotografi, urednici modnih magazine, kolumnisti i svi oni koji imaju svoj stil, stvaraju trendove i žive modu.
Glavni krivac za takav event je mlada i originalna bh dizajnerica Anida Kapo. O njenoj prvoj kolekciji od kože mogli ste čitati na stranicama Club Fashionista.
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Anida Kapo (u sredini) |
Kolekcija predstavljena 14.12.2013. godine u Sarajevu je Anidina druga kolekcija za žene i muškarce za proljeće/ljeto 2014. Kolekcija se sastojala od ekstravagantnih modela u crnoj boji, a tkaknina koja je korištena za modele je lepršavi, transparentni žoržet. Ove kreacije će sigurno naći mjesto u gardaroberima onih najhrabrijih, smjelih, savremenih i onih koji mogu nositi odjeću u kojoj zasigurno bivaju primjećeni.
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Kolekcija proljeće/ljeto 2014. |
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Martina Saira, Anida Kapo i posjetioci modne revije |
Jutro nakon revije kontaktirali smo Anidu Kapo i upitali o utiscima sa sinoćnje revije: Moj prvi utisak je pospan! Oduševljena sam odazivom i odabirom gostiju, uz zahvalu Martini Sairi koja je ovaj put radila Guestlist. Odmah nakon revije usljedilo je nekoliko narudžbi, te mnogo pitanja oko prodaje modela. U Alkibia shopu za nekoliko dana u prodaji će se naći kožne jakne iz prve kolekcije, a uskoro krećemo i sa online shopom Wear Wolf kolekcije.
Na pitanje koga bi voljela vidjeti u svojim kreacijama, Anida odgovara: Lijepe ljude sa stilom, i to njih što više; što joj od srca želi Club Fashionista team!
Moj outfit za ovaj modni event je bio u skladu sa prikazanom kolekcijom, tj. crno & crno, uz “wild touch” dodatke sa leopard printom: H&M sako, suknja od vještačke kože Zara, top Mango, Bata leopard wedge i pojas, te pismo torbica Miss Selfridge. Hair style by salon Star.

Do idućeg posta, ostajte mi sretni i moderni!
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