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Christy Turlington: A Model of Inspiration

By Jeanne M. Zonneveld

Christy Turlington – A Model of Inspiration

World-renowned model Christy Turlington has been turning heads since before she started her career in the fashion industry in 1983. Now, after years of captivating fans with her stunning looks, Christy has begun to make a buzz in the global community this time by using her voice to stand up for a cause much greater than herself. An advocate for preventive health and wellness, Christy poured years of dedication into forming an inspiring campaign focused on taking preventive steps towards eliminating deaths of pregnant or delivering women worldwide. This organization, appropriately named “Every Mother Counts,” was founded in 2010, but began as the result of a life-changing moment that occurred for Christy in 2003, while she was giving birth to her first child. 

Christy Turlington Advocates for EMC
the Stunning Christy Turlington
1990s Supermodels: Christy Turlington
and Linda Evangelista for Vogue 
The Gorgeous Christy Turlington Today 
Christy Turllington for Every Mother Counts
Christy Turlington glows with her family
Christy Turlington with her Husband, daughter  Grace
and son Fion in 2007
Suffering from complications during childbirth, Christy was able to successfully deliver her daughter Grace into the world with the medical assistance she received at the time. Though she had overcome her own obstacles while delivering, the realization that she, and her daughter, had been in serious danger did not end in just one successful birth, but the beginnings of a cause that would eventually grow into a worldwide movement. 

Christy Turlington: a Huge Fan of Yoga 
Like any newborn, EMC did not learn to walk overnight, but was nursed under Christy’s care as she began addressing maternal health related issues. Becoming an advocate for CARE, a charity that has concentrated its efforts to prevail over poverty and social injustice in communities around the world, she was able to see, first-hand, the hardships experienced by women who did not have access to such basic yet necessary medical care in order to ensure a safe child-birthing experience.

Christy Turlington at work for EMC

With everything she was able to learn and truly come to sympathize with as a mother herself, Christy once again showed the world how a star shines by creating a powerfully moving documentary titled “No Mother, No Cry,” sharing the stories of at-risk pregnant women, both across seas and in the states. After the release of this documentary, Christy showed true initiative by launching “Every Mother Counts,” taking supporter engagement one step further by encouraging action instead of simply watching from the sidelines. Proving herself a member as much as she is the founder, Christy finished her first New York City Marathon in 2011 running for EMC, continuing to lead by example as to how members could garner more attention and support for their campaign. 

Christy Turlington for Every Mother Counts
It is both humbling and inspiring to see such selfless and constant dedication to a cause one finds important to pursue. For Christy, beauty exceeds the physical world into the metaphysical manifestation of compassion and change, for the better. Raising both her children and her campaign, Christy Turlington is a mother who is devoted to making every day, and every woman, count.

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