By Merima Ramadanovic
(English and Bosanski)
Models typically sport a certain style (now known as "model street style"). Is there a certain "dress code" that models have to follow during their working week?

When I first arrived to London, the agency requested that I bring my wardrobe for evaluation. The aim was to determine whether my every day style was appropriate enough for castings. Once they had looked at my clothing, I was told that although my clothing was trendy, it was too colorful. The agency explained that when it comes to bookings, one of the first things that the client sees is model's wardrobe (hence, the importance of the "perfectly styled" appearance).
You can typically tell a model by the colors of the clothing he/she wears. We are encouraged to base our outfits on monotone colors, including gray and black. We usually wear dark jeans or tights. Also, it is highly recommended for us to include a black, white, or gray loose shirt in our outfit. Many models top off this style with a leather jacket or a black blazer. Black shoes are a necessity; black sneakers, ballet flats, or boots are a popular choice amongst many models.
The idea behind this type of style is that the dark clothing makes models look THINNER. Loose shirts give an illusion of skinny limbs. They also have an ability to camouflage some of the "flaws"; models, just like all other people, have their share of IMPERFECTIONS.
It is highly recommended for a model to look casual, relaxed, and natural. The girls that appear too "dressed up" or like they are "trying too hard" are usually not the most popular ones with the clients. The effortless style is extremely demanded during castings, and I find that it makes the girls look more beautiful as well.
What kind of makeup do models usually wear during the day?
Personally, I don't like to use any makeup when I go to the castings. However, I have noticed that some girls opt for little foundation or matt loose powder (in color as close to their skin as possible, porcelain being extremely popular with fair skinned girls), little blush, and some mascara. They are not recommended to wear anything more than this. It is advised that girls try and be as bear faced as possible, and makeup can be used in just minimum amount to hide small imperfections that the girls might have.
Below is a "total look" from one of my casting days. Enjoy!
Modeli uglavnom nose odredjeni stil (sada poznat kao "model street style"). Postoji li specifican "kod odjevanja" koji manekeni slijede tokom radne sedmice?
Kad sam tek dosla u London, agencija je zamolila da donesem svoju garderobu na evaluaciju. Cilj je bio da zakljucimo ako je moj svakodnevni stil odgovarajuci za casting-e. Nakon sto su pogledali moju odjecu, rekli su da iako je moderna, previse je raznobojna za kliente. Agencija mi je objasnila da kad se radi o booking-u, jedna od prvih stvari koju klienti zapaze jeste odjeca i stil (stoga i vaznost "savresnog stila" ).
Na ulici uglavnom mozete prepoznati modela po boji garderobe koju nosi. Nama je preporuceno da baziramo nase odjevne kombinacije na monotonim bojama, ukljucujuci crnu i sivu. Mi uglavnom nosimo tamne farmerice ili tajice. Takodjer, veoma je preporucljivo da oblacimo crnu, bijelu, ili sivu siroku majicu. Dosta manekenkih upotpuni ovaj look sa koznom jaknom ili crnim sakom. Crne cipele su neophodne; crne tenisice, baletanke, ili cizme su popularni izbor dosta manekenkih.
Razlog ovog stila odjevanja jeste da tamnije boje prave manekenke msravijim. Siroke majice daju iluziju uzim nogama i rukama i mogu da prekriju nedostatke koje manekenke imaju.
Takodjer, veoma je preporucljivo da manekenka izleda opusteno i prirodno. Djevojke koje su previse "sredjene" ili izgledaju kao da "pokusavaju previse" nisu najpopularniji izbor sa klientima. "Bez naporni" ili "effortless style" je najtrazeniji tokom castinga i moje misljenje je takodjer da najprirodnije djevojke izgledaju i najljepse.
Kakvu sminku manekenke uglavnom koriste preko dana?
Ja licno ne volim da koristim bilo kakvu sminku kada idem na casting-e. Medjutim, primjetila sam da neke dijevojke koriste malo tekudjeg pudera ili pudera u prahu (u boji sto blizoj tvojoj kozi, gdje je porcelanska boja pudera najpopularnija sa djevojkama blijedje puti), malo rumenila, i nesto maskara. Ne preporucuje se da nose ista vise od toga. Sto manje sminke, to bolje: "golo" lice je najbolje. Sminka treba da sakrije samo male nedostatke ukoliko oni postoje: pristice, podocnjake, ili crvenilo.
Ispod su slike sa jednog od mojih "casting dana". Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti!
1 comment:
Merima is a cutie!
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