Cosmo may have had it all WRONG: the key to attracting men may not lie in pleasing them! This post has been in making for some time now as we decided to do a through research with some of the most eligible bachelors from around the world. Our goal: to determine which characteristics drive men MAD about women, make them fall in love, and encourage them to stick around for the long run.
The Italian Goddess Monica Bellucci |
We came up with a list: our “holy grail” of "making men fall in love!" We think that almost each of these steps is essential for our “formula” to work brilliantly! Without further ado, here are our TOP 11 ways to attract men:
Real Life (New York City) from the |
1. Act like you DO NOT NEED a man: All men we spoke to unanimously agree that there is something extremely attractive about a woman who appears friendly but not too interested. The key is to behave as if though you are having the time of your life WITHOUT a man in the picture and that for you, it is NEVER a problem if he leaves. If men think that they are easily replaceable, they become fearful of loosing a woman and hence more attentive.

2. HYGENE-- LET YOUR HAIR SHINE: When we questioned men on aesthetics, interestingly enough, almost all of them started describing the importance of nice hair. A clean and a well-maintained mane on a woman is essential. “It is not about the style; I like both curly and straight hair. I just like to see that a girl takes the time to wash her hair properly before going out,” said one the men we interviewed. Apparently, oil and dirty hair was a huge turn-off! Generally, men do not like women using too much gel or moose, i.e. clean and smooth so he can brush his fingers through your hair is the goal.
Adriana Lima Shiny Hair |
Olivia Palermo Shiny Hair |
Sexy Hair |
3. HIGH HEELS: There was unanimous consent amongst all men that heels make a woman sexier. Their explanation: "when she wears heels, her body language changes." They said that in heels “a woman’s bottom looks better, her legs look longer and leaner; overall, her posture changes,” said one of the men we polled. “Women carry themselves differently when they are wearing heels. Their presence changes,” said another interviewee.
4. SIMPLE MAKEUP: Almost of all of the men questioned agreed that they like a girl with some makeup but that too much makes her look unattractive and fake. When women layer-on makeup, e.g., heavy layers of powder, men immediately imagine the brown powder smeared all over their white shirts.
There was a unanimous consent that lipstick, eye makeup, and even lightly layered powder was fine as long as it looks natural. “Some women’s makeup makes them look like streetwalkers. What sometimes looks like a 'mask,' makes their skin look dirty as if though it needs to be scrubbed off to see their actual skin," said an interviewee.
Rachel Bilson makeup |
Miranda Kerr Makeup |
Keira Knighlet Makeup |
5. STRIKE A BALANCE BETWEEN SAYING "YES" & SAYING "NO": One man explained that there are TWO types of guys in the world: 1. GOOD guys and 2. BAD guys. He said that the key lies in the woman’s ability to distinguish between the two types.
He explained, when it comes to BAD guys, the ratio between “YES” to “NO” should be 1 to 10 relatively speaking. With GOOD guys, it should be 5 “YES-es” for every 5 “NO-s.” He said that it is important that a woman gives more “NO-s” in the beginning, especially when it comes to more important questions like having sex. For a BAD guy, there should be a “YES” only when really required; with that said, women should be careful not to become petrified of the bad boys and start saying “YES” too much.
Chuck Bass: "Bad Boy" |
The POWER of saying “YES” at the right time was illustrated by the following story:
“In this story, there is a BAD guy and a woman who REALLY liked him and found the right way to ‘capture him.’ When Mia (her pen name) met Philippe (his pen name), he was already in a serious relationship with another woman. Philippe has chiseled good looks and comes from an influential family. He had a reputation for his infidelity. Mia was smart and wise; she knew how to hold her ground when it came to Philippe.
Shortly after the two met, Philippe cheated on his long-time girlfriend with Mia. I do not believe the two had sex but they were intimate. After the first “YES” from Mia, Philippe returned to his girlfriend like he always did. After some time, he called Mia again but this time she said she did not want to do anything sexual until Philippe had broken up with his longtime girlfriend. She kept seeing him but saying “NO” to all his advances. She would apply the 1-10 rule and say “YES” occasionally to keep him interested. Finally, she told him she lost interest and did not want to see him anymore.
Philippe spent the next few days driving by her home to find out if there was another man in the picture. After some time, Philippe left his longtime girlfriend and came back to tell Mia about it. She accepted to be with him and immediately moved into his house. Philippe continued living his “bachelor” lifestyle and started to cheat on Mia and lived up to his reputation as a cheater.
It was not long before Mia found out. First, she badly damaged two of his cars by smashing the windows with a chair. Then, she met with Philippe’s father to tell him what kind of “shit” of a son he had. Mia left Philippe and moved back home. Philippe tried to persuade her to move back but Mia told him she did not desire him anymore. After some time, Philippe came back with a ring and asked Mia to marry him. Mia replied “NO.” She said she would MOVE into his house and WHEN she is ready, she would let him know if she wanted to marry him. She said “YES” couple of months later, and they were hitched. As far as all of his friends know, he never cheated on Mia again. He was so traumatized about her abandoning him the first time. She successfully had instilled fear into him and this had changed him.”
6. KEEP IT CLASSY, NEVER TRASHY: The men we interviewed unanimously agreed they like sexy outfits that are not necessarily vulgar, i.e., women who dress like hookers may be associated only with a “one night stand.” Many of them agreed that lace looks sexy because it shows some skin but not everything. “Different styles can look great on different girls, know what flatters your features."
Add a little lace...Ms. Monica Bellucci |
Sienna Miller Evening Look |
7. SMELL GOOD: We had different responses to which parfumes men liked; some include Narcisco Rodriguez for Her, Coco Chanel Mademoiselle, Gucci Rush, Dolce Gabbana the One, and Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. Steer away from strong and old school perfumes that remind men of their grandmothers. Your goal is that when you walk by heads will turn.
8. THREE IS THE MAGIC NUMBER: Do not go out with five or six girlfriends as men will rarely approach a group of more than three girls.
Two is always sweet |
9. CLEAN WHITE SMILE: Instant magnent for boys? A pearly smile, and a mint helps as bad breath is a killer.
10. BE CONFIDENT: "Be confident but not over bearing. There is a big difference between a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and the one who always has to be in charge," said a handsome bachelor we interviewed. Ever wonder why some women, who are not generally considered beautiful by the society, often have amazing boyfriends? It is certainly because these women are so comfortable in their skin that they radiate.
Confident and Beautiful Angelina Jolie |
Sophia Loren: Beautiful and Confident |
11. FLIRT: Men are not good at picking-up on subtle hints; thus, if you like the man, feel free to use one of the classics: bat your eyelashes, toss your hair and touch his shoulders; watch his reaction and you will have answers.
Mila Kunis flirting with Justin Timberlake |
Ladies, we hope you enjoyed this post and found it beneficial. For our male readers, if you have suggestions, please leave your comments below or email us at
Club Fashionista Girls |
"Bad boy" vs "Good boy" LOL...Good advice!
The eyes say everything in few seconds but there are ways some more tips along with these which include
Well Prepared
Look at her
Talk to her
Listen to her
Be a Dude
Must be positively followed along with having astrology dimensions like using vashikaran mantra
Good description as here is the astrology that have mantras to attract men and women.
If you're trying to get a man's attention, duh, you have to make him look at you. Your appearance is the first thing you say to somebody, so make it count.
If you’ve ever experienced the pain of an emotionally dead relationship or if you’ve ever had a man suddenly pull away and shut you out...
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Because at the end of the day, men secretly want just one thing.
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In fact, this one secret male obsession is the biggest key to being truly irresistible to a man... in a way that goes far beyond physical attraction.
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==>Next time your man shuts you out do this
You’ll be glad you did
How to Attract a Man: 8 Ways to Get Him Notice You. If you adore a man or are wondering how to attract a man you like, then you should definitely know these traits to make him fall for you instantly.
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