By Paulina Fornovi
History of Glasses by Moss Lipow
Eyewear: a Visual History
Moss Lipow, the sunglass designer, presents his best designs in his world renowned book titled Eyewear: a Visual History. In the book, there is a wide range of models, e.g., prehistoric Eskimo goggles, spectacles of riveted wood from the 13th century, medieval spectacles with leather straps, hand spectacles from the 19th century, pince-nez, monocle goggles, aviator sunglasses, and mods of Godard frames.
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Moss Lipow in Vogue |
The evolution of optics is fascinating because what once was something practical has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry, i.e. from glasses for the visually impaired to glasses worn to make a fashion statement. In Eyewear: a Visual History, there are a variety of sources, e.g., old magazines, treaties, and discontinued publications, that talk about the evolution of glasses.

In Eyewear: a Visual History, five hundred years of history of glasses and more than 1000 models of glasses are covered.
About the Author:
Moss Lipow is a New York designer and collector of eyewear. He was not trained in the design of eyewear; in fact, Lipow studed at New York University's film school. Thus, he has a visual arts background which helped him in creating eccentric and very unique sunglasses. His designs are very expensive, e.g., a pair of alligator leather glasses are priced at $3,8000. Lipow has one of the largest collection of vintage 20th century eyewear in the world. By and large, his inspiration comes from early rock n' rollers.
Mr. Lipow has worked with top fashion editorial stylists. His creations have been published in magazines around the world, e.g., Newsweek, Vogue Italy, Vogue Japan, W and L'Officiel. His line of optics is sold all over the world.
Moss Lipow is a New York designer and collector of eyewear. He was not trained in the design of eyewear; in fact, Lipow studed at New York University's film school. Thus, he has a visual arts background which helped him in creating eccentric and very unique sunglasses. His designs are very expensive, e.g., a pair of alligator leather glasses are priced at $3,8000. Lipow has one of the largest collection of vintage 20th century eyewear in the world. By and large, his inspiration comes from early rock n' rollers.

Mr. Lipow has worked with top fashion editorial stylists. His creations have been published in magazines around the world, e.g., Newsweek, Vogue Italy, Vogue Japan, W and L'Officiel. His line of optics is sold all over the world.

Hope you enjoyed a brief introduction into the optical world of Mr. Moss Lipow and his book on the history of glasses- Eyewear: a Visual History! Xoxo!

Eyewear Book Top 10

Moss Lipow, diseñador de gafas presencia sus mejores diseños de la colección “Lipow” en un libro y otras de categoría mundial. Hay una amplia gama de modelos —antiparras prehistóricas esquimales, espéculos de madera remachada del siglo xiii, gafas medievales con correa de cuero, anteojos de mano (S. xix), pince-nez, monóculos, gafas modelo de aviador o marcos mods de Godard.

La óptica ha etenido una sorprendente y fascinante evolución: lo que fue algo práctico se ha convertido en una industria global multibillonaria que reeune a discapacitados visuales y a la gente más pendiente de la moda. En este libro aparece una gran variedad de fuentes que incluyen tratados, catálogos y revistas antiguos, múltiples imágenes y publicaciones descatalogadas.
Recoge quinientos años de diselo y más de 1000 modelos de gafa.

Sobre el autor:
Moss Lipow, un neoyorkino diseñador de gafas y coleccionista. Moss ha trabajado con los estilistas editoriales top de la industria de la moda. Sus creaciones han sido publicadas en revistas de todo el mundo (Newsweek, Vogue Italia, Vogue Japón, W y L’Officiel...). Su línea de óptica se vende en todo el mundo.
I hope you loved it fashionistas!
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