By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
While we look forward to sunnier and warmer spring days, the spring does tend to surprise us with a few rainy days. What are my fashion tips for rainy days?
Well, few fashionistas love the rain; with that said, there are way to make a rainy day look trendy. Here are are my fashion tips for rainy days: there are trendy parkas and trench coats that will help to protect you from spring rain. Moreover, there are waterproof shoes and chic umbrellas. Below are some ideas of how to stay fashionable on a rainy day. What do you think fashionistas? Ready to brave the rain in style?
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
Iako se radujemo suncanijim i toplijim proljetnim danima, proljece nas zna iznenaditi sa nekoliko kisnih dana. Rijetko koja fashionistica voli kisu, ali kako biste i u tim kisnim danima izgledale trendy, predstavljamo vam parke i mantilice koje dizajnom nece odudarati od vaseg trendy outfita, a ipak ce pomoci da se zastitite od proljetnih kisnih kapi. U pomoc jos stizu i chic kabanice, nepromocive cipele i cool slatki kisobrani.

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