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Matt Damon Movies

By Elma B.

Wow, where do I begin? Matt Damon is one of my favorite actors of all time not only for his impeccable acting skills but also for his personal life, much of which he devotes to charity work (e.g. One Campaign, H2O Africa Foundation and Before I discuss his movie accomplishments, I must also mention that Damon comes from a sophisticated background: his mother is an early childhood professor at Lesley University and Damon attended Harvard before winning an Academy Award for Best Original Screen Play and a Golden Globe for Award for Best Screenplay for Goodwill Hunting

This post will shed some light into the amount of award winning movies Matt Damon has starred. The most notable  movies he starred in are, chronologially: Goodwill Hunting (1997 with Ben Affleck); Saving Private Ryan (1998); The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999); Ocean's Trilogy (with George Clooney, Brad Pitt, etc.); the first three films in the Bourne Series; Syriana (2005 with George Clooney); The Good Shepard (2006 with Angelina Jolie); The Departed (2006 with Leonardo DiCaprio); and Invictus (2009). Below you will find some of his most commercially successful movies. Which one is your favorite?

Ocean's Trilogy with George Clooney and Brad Pitt
Matt Damon in The Good Shepard 
Matt Damon with Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan
Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan
Matt Damon with Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freedman in Invictus
Matt Damon with Ben Affleck in Goodwill Hunting
Matt Damon with George Clooney in Syriana 
Matt Damon with Robbin Williams in Goodwill Hunting
Matt Damon with Angelina Jolie in The Good Shepard
Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan

Matt Damon in Talented Mr. Ripley
Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan
Matt Damon with Brad Pitt for Ocean's Trilogy
Matt Damon in The Good Shepard
Matt Damon with Leonardo DiCaprio for The Departed premiere
Matt Damon with Leonardo DiCaprio in The Departed 
Matt Damon with George Clooney and  Brad Pitt with the rest of the other Ocean's Trilogy crew 

Matt Damon in Invictus
Matt Damon in Saving Private Ryan
Matt Damon in Goodwill Hunting 
Matt Damon in Ocean's Triology
Matt Damon in Syriana
Matt Damon with Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow in The Talented Mr. Ripley
Matt Damon with Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow in The Talented Mr. Ripley
Matt Damon with Angelina Jolie in The Good Shepard
Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity

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