By Nerina Hodzic Poplata
The best way to use coconut oil is in its raw form: raw coconut oil maintains the most of its healing properties. However, due to its high resistance to hot temperatures, coconut oil can also be used for baking or frying food (note that other oils can become carcinogen when heated to extreme temperatures). In the cold temperatures, coconut oil turns into solid and is also called coconut cream.
In the last couple of years one type of oil has become extremely popular amongst beauty insiders, chefs, and other people: it is coconut oil. This type of oil is a common remedy in the traditional medicine amongst the Asian-Pacific population. It became popular in the western hemisphere just in the past decade or so.
Benefits of using coconut oil:
1. Coconut Oil For Cooking:
Coconut oil has a high nutritional value and should be used in every household. It is created by drying out coconut meat. The main component of the coconut oil is lauric acid, which has a strong antivirus and antibacterial effect and can protect again many illnesses.
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Coconut As a Delicious Snack |
The benefit of the coconut oil over other oils is the medium chain triglycerides, which are easily digested and absorbed by our bodies. These fatty acids are broken down in our liver where they turn into energy.
Because of the increase in energy our bodies receive after consuming coconut oil, we tend to feel fuller, longer. That is why the coconut oil is a perfect remedy for those who wish to loose extra pounds. Continued consumption of the oil can help maintain the health of our digestive system, decrease our weight, and stabilize our metabolism.
Coconut Oil Nurtures our Skin and Hair
Besides the beneficial effect it has on our bodies, coconut oil is also used for maintaining your hair and skin. It revitalizes the skin, making it softer and more elastic, and helps prevent wrinkles and sunspots. Coconut oil also increases the growth of follicles, regenerates and revitalizes hair. This is why it is commonly used as one of the ingredients in the hair products. We have to note that women from many tropical regions who have used coconut oil on their hair since childhood seldom loose hair or get grays.

The best way to use coconut oil is in its raw form: raw coconut oil maintains the most of its healing properties. However, due to its high resistance to hot temperatures, coconut oil can also be used for baking or frying food (note that other oils can become carcinogen when heated to extreme temperatures). In the cold temperatures, coconut oil turns into solid and is also called coconut cream.

The recommended dose is two to four teaspoons of cold-pressed coconut oil. One delicious way to incorporate coconut oil to your diet is to add it to your salad or smoothie.
Fashionistas, stay healthy and beautiful!
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
U proteklih nekoliko godina jedno je ulje postalo iznimno popularno medju ljudima koji proucavaju uticaj hrane na zdravlje cjelokupnog organizma.To je kokosovo ulje. Ovo je ulje uobicajena namirnica u narodnoj medicini medju azijskim i pacifickim stanovnistvom.
U nase dijelove svijeta prosirilo se tek posljednjih desetak godina.
Kokosovo ulje ima toliku nutritivnu vrijednost i ljekovito djelovanje da bi se trebalo koristiti u svakom domacinstvu.
Dobiva se iz kopre - susenog mesa kokosovog oraha.Osnovni sastojak kokosovog ulja je laurinska kiselina, koja ima snazno antivirusno i antibakterijsko djelovanje te nas tako stiti od mnogih bolesti.
Prednost kokosovog ulja pred drugim uljima su i srednjelancane masne kiseline, koje se u ljudskom organizmu lako probavljaju i apsorbiraju te ne opterecuju probavni sustav.Ove masne kiseline ne ugrozavaju krv vec direktno odlaze u jetru, gdje se pretvaraju u energiju.
Upravo zbog energije koju dobiva iz kokosovog ulja, tijelo duze zadrzava osjecaj sitosti. Zbog toga je kokosovo ulje izvrstan izbor i za one koji se bore s viskom kilograma. Redovito koristenje kokosovog ulja doprinosi odrzavanju zdravlja crijeva, smanjenju tjelesne tezine i normaliziranju metabolizma.
Njeguje kožu i kosu
Osim za zdravlje unutrasnjih organa, kokosovo ulje se koristi za masazu i njegu koze i kose.
Ono hrani kozu, cini ju meksom i elasticnijom, sprecava stvaranje bora i starackih pjega.
Kokosovo ulje potice rast folikula, hrani i regenerira kosu. Zbog toga se ovo ulje cesto koristi u pakunzima za njegu kose.
Istaknimo da zene tropskih krajeva koje utrljavaju kokosovo ulje u kosu jos od djetinjstva, rijetko u starijoj dobi izgube kosu ili posijede.
Najbolje je koristiti kokosovo ulje u sirovom obliku jer na takav način dobivate najveću dobrobit od njegovih ljekovitih sastojaka.
Medjutim zbog izuzetne otpornosti na visoke temperature, kokosovo mozete koristiti za pecenje ili przenje hrane - za razliku od drugih ulja koja na visim temperaturama drasticno mijenjaju svoja svojstva te postaju kancerogena.
Na hladnijoj temperaturi kokosovo ulje je u cvrstom stanju pa ga se zove i kokosova mast, a na oko 23 stupnja prelazi u tekuce stanje.
Preporucena dnevna kolicina je dvije do cetiri zlice hladno presanog kokosovog ulja dnevno. Da bi ga lakse popili, mozete ga dodati u salatu ili zeleni kasasti sok.
Dragi fashionisti, budite nam zdravi i lijepi!

1 comment:
There are really a lot of coconut oil benefits and I can attest to that. Been using it for more than a year already and it really makes my hair softer and smoother like never before!
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