By Lara Medic
What Top to Wear with Leather Leggings?
Leather leggings are an absolute must have this season! Although leather will keep you warm during cold winter days, wearing leather leggings with simple and long shirt is an ideal outfit combination for the fall. Wearing leather leggings and a long shirt is comfortable and looks amazing! I must advise that whenever you have a chance, purchase pleather as it is a lot more humane to spare animals from suffering! Pleather is an excellent cheaper alternative to leather.
Leather, like denim, is certain to never go out of style. One can wear leather with almost anything. It is difficult to maintain leather, and it is certainly not cheap; with that said, leather is a great material, which is worth having part of your wardrobe. One can replace leather tights with "pleather" tights, which are cheaper and more eco and animal friendly. For years, leather leggings have dominated the edgy fashion trends. Leather leggings are suitable for tall and thin women as well as short, e.g. Kim Kardashian. Leather leggings make your legs look firmer and longer, again, e.g. Kim Kardashian. Also, leather leggings can make your bottom look firmer.
Shoes & Leather Leggings:
I recommend wearing high heels with leather leggings. With that said, wearing ballet flats or converse sneakers can make that edgy fashion statement.
One can even pull off leather leggings at the office as long as you wear a one color shirt with a classic black or white blazer. For instance, see Fergie in the photo below where she wears a purple blazer, D&G shirt with a lace details and black leather leggings by Helmut Lang. I would recommend to wear a simple top as the leather leggings are already a strong fashion statement on their own.
Night Out with Leather Leggings
Od poznatih osoba koji vole nositi crne kožne tajice, izdvajamo Kim Kardashian koju s razlogom možemo nazvati „Kraljicom crnih kožnih tajica“. Bilo u uličnoj varijanti (StreetStyle), večernjem događaju ili na crvenom tepihu, Kim će iskoristiti priliku da ih ponovno obuče u potpunom novom stilu (Slika br.1 i 3).
What Top to Wear with Leather Leggings?
Leather leggings are an absolute must have this season! Although leather will keep you warm during cold winter days, wearing leather leggings with simple and long shirt is an ideal outfit combination for the fall. Wearing leather leggings and a long shirt is comfortable and looks amazing! I must advise that whenever you have a chance, purchase pleather as it is a lot more humane to spare animals from suffering! Pleather is an excellent cheaper alternative to leather.

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Leather Leggings with Long & Loose Shirts |
Leather, like denim, is certain to never go out of style. One can wear leather with almost anything. It is difficult to maintain leather, and it is certainly not cheap; with that said, leather is a great material, which is worth having part of your wardrobe. One can replace leather tights with "pleather" tights, which are cheaper and more eco and animal friendly. For years, leather leggings have dominated the edgy fashion trends. Leather leggings are suitable for tall and thin women as well as short, e.g. Kim Kardashian. Leather leggings make your legs look firmer and longer, again, e.g. Kim Kardashian. Also, leather leggings can make your bottom look firmer.
Shoes & Leather Leggings:
I recommend wearing high heels with leather leggings. With that said, wearing ballet flats or converse sneakers can make that edgy fashion statement.
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Varying Shoes with Leather Leggings |
Office Look & Leather Leggings
One can even pull off leather leggings at the office as long as you wear a one color shirt with a classic black or white blazer. For instance, see Fergie in the photo below where she wears a purple blazer, D&G shirt with a lace details and black leather leggings by Helmut Lang. I would recommend to wear a simple top as the leather leggings are already a strong fashion statement on their own.

Night Out with Leather Leggings
For a night out on the town, bright colors are not the best choice. With leather leggings, one can combine one more leather piece, e.g., a leather jacket or a bag. With this look, add red lipstick, a high pony tail or long straight hair. For accessories, wear a shiny long necklace or gold earrings.
Celebrities who like to wear leather leggings are Kim Kardashian, whom we may call 'the queen of leather leggings." She sports leather leggings during the day (her streetstyle signature piece), during the night or on the red carpet. See the photo below.
Celebrities who like to wear leather leggings are Kim Kardashian, whom we may call 'the queen of leather leggings." She sports leather leggings during the day (her streetstyle signature piece), during the night or on the red carpet. See the photo below.

About the author: Lara Medić, 16, student, fashionista.
Twitter: @ lara_medic
Facebook: Lara Medić (official)
In Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian:
Kako nositi… crne kožne tajice!
Tajice su i ove sezone apsolutni must-have!
Iako je koža primarno zimski materijal, crne kožne tajice u kombinaciji sa jednostavnim dugim širokim košuljama dobra je kombinacija za tople jesenje dane. Takva kombinacija je udobna i odlično izgleda!
Koža je uz traper, materijal koji zasigurno ni u jednom trenutku nije izašao iz mode. Pristaje gotovo svim odjevnim kombinacijama i modnim dodacima bez obzira na vremenske uvijete. Koža nije najjednostavnija za održavanje i cijena joj nije niska, ali je kvalitetna i uvijek se isplati imati kožnu jaknu ili tajice u svom ormaru. Originalne kožne tajice možemo zamijeniti tajicama u „PU-leather“ opciji koje su jeftinije. Upravo su kožne tajice/ hlače odjeća koja godinama dominira u svim modnim stilovima. Odlično pristaju visokim i vitkim ženama, jednako kao i nižim. Crne kožne tajice naglašavaju vaše noge, vizualno daju dojam čvrstih i zategnutih nogu što će vam samo naglasiti liniju ukoliko ste viši,ukoliko ste niži one će vizualno produljiti noge pa ćete izgledati viši i mršaviji. Mogu uspješno istaknuti obline i stražnjicu, a prikrivaju nedostatke pa ih se ne moraju plašiti elegantno popunjene žene.
Štikle na što višu potpeticu odlično se uklapaju u kombinaciju s kožnim tajicama što ne znači da neće dobro izgledati s niskim baletankama ili starkama. Želi li se postići poslovni izgled, na jednobojnu košulju se može obući klasični crni ili bijeli sako ili pak sako u vašoj omiljenoj jarkoj boji (Slika br. 2: Glazbena zvijezda Fergie odjenula je ružičasti sako, D&G košulju ukrašenu čipkom i trendi crne kožne tajice marke Helmut Lang). Kožne hlače upadljive su same po sebi pa ostatak odjevne kombinacije ne bi trebao biti previše naglašen.
Za večernju odjevnu kombinaciju jarke boje nisu najbolji izbor. Na kožne se tajice može kombinirati i još pokoji kožni odjevni predmet, najčešće je jakna ili torba. Uz ovaj izgled najbolje pristaje jarki crveni ruž, visoki rep ili duga ispeglana kosa, a od nakita dobar je odabir sjajna duga ogrlica ili naušnice zlatne boje.
Autor: Lara Medić, 16, učenica, fashionista.
E-mail kontakt:
Twitter: @ lara_medic
Facebook: Lara Medić (official)

love love love this post
I need a pair of leather leggings
Knit and leather look great together. Leather leggings can be really comfortable too if you find a good pair! Great post!
awsome post
leather leggings are cheaper than leather pants but easier to wear
Love this post! Very usefull! I want to see more post from you Lara!
I agree, Kim Kardashian totally know how to wear it!
Great article!
I don't have leather leggings in my wordrobe... I must have them after reading this post!!
Love looooove
Odlično! Morat ću da probam složiti neku kombinaciju uz kožne helanke :)
I just found out this article becouse I was searching some ideas -how to wear l-leggings! Thank you so much Lara!
I also have some leather leggings that are very suitable for exercising during winter. But since the summer is quite tropical at my place, leather is not an option at all during hot seasons. At such times, I switch to my cotton made work out leggings that keep me cool and comfortable despite the heat.
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