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(English, Espanol, Bosanski)

By Amra B. 

One of the most unique lounges/clubs I ever visited is located in Dubrovnik, Croatia. East West is situated right on the beach and it has some of the most amazing ambiance: live performers, amazing cocktails, and some of the best music I have ever heard. This disco definitely deserves to go in a “club hall of fame” and this post is especially dedicated to East West (thank you for all the fun time I had there). Below are some photos of my party outfit in Dubrovnik and a clip from East West. 

In Spanish:

Uno de los lounges/discos más exclusivos que he visitado se encuentra en Dubrovnik, Croacia. East West está situado justo en la playa y tiene uno de los locales  más sorprendente: artistas en vivo, cócteles increíbles,la mejor música que he escuchado. Esta discoteca definitivamente merece ir en el "lounge hall of fame",este post esta dedicado especialmente a East West (gracias por todo lo que disfruté allí). A continuación os muestro algunas fotos de mi outfits de fiesta en Dubrovnik y un video de East West.


In Bosnian: 

Jedna od najunikatnijih diskoteka se nalazi u Dubroviniku, Hrvatskoj. East West je lociran na samoj plazi i ima nevjerovatan ambijent: super zabavljace, ukusne koktele, i naj muziku. Ova diskoteka zasluzuje da se nadje na samom vrhu svijetskih diskoteka i ovaj post je specialno posvecen East West-u (hvala na super zabavi)! Ispod su slike moje “parti kombinacije” i mali clip iz East West-a. 


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