Face It, Why Face Oils Are the Way to Go

By Lizbeth Perez

Let’s face it; the thought of slathering oil all over your face sounds a little scary. Why would anyone want to add extra oil to their skin, or spend more money on another beauty product that will probably end up next to all the other barely touched products in your medicine cabinet.  At least those were just a few of things that went through my head…at first.

I (and perhaps some of you might be too) was surprised to learn that despite the name, face oils don’t make your face greasy and full of shine.  Instead, you can expect to have skin that glows and is super soft, with only a few drops. The trick to getting these results is simple: knowing when to use them and finding the right one for your skin type.  

Oils can best be described as a booster, something that when added to your regular beauty regimen will make your skin look even more gorgeous. In other words, don’t get rid of your moisturizer and face wash just yet. Be sure to follow your normal routine during the daytime and apply two-three drops of the oil at night. This way, it gives your skin enough time to fully absorb it, while you sleep. And if you’re still a little hesitant remember that regardless of your skin type might be there’s an oil out there on the market that caters to it; there are even oils that treat acne!

But, with all of the options on the market comes the difficult task of finding one that not only works for you but that meet all of the specifications that you’re looking for. Some feel too heavy, or have too strong of a fragrance, as each oil come with different properties; others might leave your face shiny for an entire day while others might not moisturize you enough, leaving you yearning for your more traditional creams and lotions. 

Read below for a few (basic) recommendations based on your skin type!

1. Dry Skin- Coconut oil

My skin falls into this category, and I remember how apprehensive I was to try this, even after several friends told me how wonderful it was. Luckily for me, I eventually succumbed to the peer pressure, and I since the day I did, have never gone back to any other moisturizer. Coconut oil is the most saturated plant source of fat around, (91% saturation compared to olive oil at 14% alone) Therefore; after slathering on this lipid-packed oil expect it to create “a heavier barrier” helping skin stay supple and smooth.

More on the surprising health benefits of coconut oil here

2. Oily Skin- Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is often associated with spot treatments, but using it all over the face can help prevent breakouts and soothe irritated skin. It’s antimicrobial properties help fight a variety of infections and even kills bacteria that are involved in the development of blemishes.

3. Combination- Sandalwood Oil

For centuries, sandalwood has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, massage, and fragrance. Sandalwood oil is 90% sesquiterpenic alcohols, which is a fancy way of saying “fatty alcohols”. This makes it the perfect pick for combination skin since it hydrates without causing any blemishes or acne. 

4. Anti-Aging- Argan Oil

If you’re starting to notice fine lines and wrinkles, any oil that has Argan Oil is what I recommend. It contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants, like vitamin E, which keep cells looking healthy and functioning.

More on the benefits of using Argan Oil here.

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