When in Great Company: Happy Girls in Chicago

By Elma B.

I wanted to share with my fun-filled weekend in Chicago. Chicago is an amazing city, the third largest in the United States; hence, it is not too difficult to find something for everyone. With that said, even the best place in the world can feel lonely when not in good company. 

We spent the day with two amazing friends. The most important fact is to seize the day and spend it with people, who make you laugh, feel great, and bring out the best in you. If you are comfortable and happy in the company of those whom surround you, then you know you are at the right place and with the right people. Hence, look your best, wear whatever makes you you, and get out the door to start living life. 

For the fashionistas, I am wearing a vintage coat, a cloche hat from H&M, Salvatore Ferragamo purse, black dress from Intermix, boots from Urban Outfitters and necklaces from Forever XXI. Hope you enjoyed a little bit of my escapades, until next time...XOXO! 

With My Sister on the Streets of Chicago

With my Lovely Friend: Maida!

Outfit of the Day

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