How to Look Your Best in 5 Steps

By Elma B.

Good morning from Chicago! Happy New Year to fashionistas all over the world! 

As you prepare for the weekend ahead, I advise for you to shine and look your best. How to pick-out a trendy outfit? Here are some of my tips:

1. Be unconventional. Think of combinations that are unusual and you have not seen on every other fashionista walking down the street or on her Instagram page. 

2. Vintage. For inspiration, I suggest you pick-up (or research) some fashion magazines from the 1970s or 1980s. Think what decade best describes your personality? For instance, even Alexander McQueen was inspired by H.R. Giger's design work on the film Alien (made in the late 1970s). 

3. Ethnic Cultures. Many designers look for inspiration in different cultures, e.g., the fringe and the Aztec print came from the Native Indians inhabiting North and South America; or the recent folk style trend derives from Nordic cultures. 

4. Colors. Match unexpected colors. For instance, pair purple with neon (see my photo below) or green with purple velvet. There are many color combinations that match perfectly together; your eye picks-up quickly what clashes and what matches. 

Italian Neon Shoes and Purple-Black Ralph Lauren Scarf
5. Accessorize. Finding unique pieces of jewelry can be a lot of fun. Pick up unusual pieces that can easily become conversation pieces. For instance, I picked up an owl necklace from Forever XXI. 

Statement Jewelry: Owl Necklace with a Snake Bracelets 
Whatever you choose, always be you and let your individuality shine through. For my most recent picks, see my outfit photos below. Stay warm and happy, until next time fashionistas, XOXO!

Emporio Armani Vintage Purse with My Zara Leather Jacket 

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