When in New York City...

By Elma B.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of spending in New York City! On Friday, a friend of mine showed me Bryant Park, which I had for some odd reason never seen before. Bryan Park, while not terribly large, has outdoor cafes and features outdoor concerts during the summer. The outdoor cafes were very charming; the summer flowers and other vibrantly green plants surrounded the cafes and the park. Additionally, there are numerous park benches and tables near the open air green area where outdoor concerts are held. 

Nearby Bryan Park was the New York City Library, which used the ancient Greek Doric columns and resembled a building one would spot in Rome or Greece. Additionally, the New York City Library had picturesque gardens with perfectly oval tables situated right in front of it. 

For the fashionistas, here I am wearing bright orange harem-like pants, a knitted white sweater, a turquoise necklace, Jimmy Choo wedges, and a Louis Vuitton speedy bag. As for my make-up, I am wearing just orange lipstick and cat-eye eyeliner. 

For full details, see my photos below. I highly recommend visiting this lovely area while in New York City. 

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