Valentine's Day Gifts

By Nerina H.

Love, passion, fire, and roses all share one color: red! I hope that this Valentine's Day you pick RED: the color of love! 

If you are in a happy relationship, this holiday will celebrate your union. However, Valentine's Day is also perfect for singles: you may celebrate it with all your loved ones, including your family and friends. You may make a delicious dinner for your parents, rent romantic movies with your friends and dig into some fabulously bad finger food, or just hit a fun party and dance all night! What is important is that you are able to love and share your love with others around you! Furthermore, whatever your choice for this special day, we suggest for you to mark this occasion wearing a stylish outfit in the color RED! Here in Club Fashionista, we work endlessly to bring you amazingly stylish red outfits for the 14th of Febrary! 

Just in case you are not a huge fan of red colored wardrobe, you may also mark this occasion by wearing a perfect red lipstick or a red nail polish! You may also add red jewelry to your ensemble. Let it be RED!   


Voljeti.....ljubav.....strast....vatra.....ruze.....sve ih povezuje jedna boje. Zove se crvena. Neka i ovogodisnje Valentinovo prodje u toj boji ljubavi!

Bez obzira da li slavite ovaj praznik ili ne, mozete ga obiljeziti. Ukoliko imate partnera, to vecer mozete provesti na romanticnoj veceri, ako pak, solirate, a ovo je dan ljubavi, mozete pripremiti veceru za svoje roditelje, ili napraviti vecer romanticnih filmova za svoje prijateljice. Bitno je da volite i da tu ljubav dijelite. Napominjemo, gdje god da odete i s kim god da taj dan provedete, neka vas outfit zraci bojom ljubavi:crvenom.

U susret najzaljubljenijem danu u godinu, 14. februaru, donosimo crvene odjevne kombinacije.
Ukoliko niste ljubitelj crvene boje, onda neka vas outfit bude u vasoj omiljenoj boji, no ispod njega neka ipak bude crvena. Svakako mozete i vase usne obojiti senzualno crvenom, te nokte obojiti svevremenskim crvenim lakom. Naravno, uvijek mozete izvuci iz svoje kutije s nakitom neke velike crvene nausnice, ili pak, ogrlicu sa crvenim privjeskom. Samo neka se crveni!

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