Beauty Smoothie Recipe

By Aziza S. 

To look beautiful one must eat healthy! Beauty is not looking gorgeous with make-up. It is looking good without it. Maintaining a healthy diet is the key to good looks and spotless skin. A healthy diet consists of small meals throughout the day, including 3-4 portions of fruits and vegetables.  

You can substitute sodas and coffee with delicious smoothies/juices based on green vegetables and herbs. Green vegetables are well known contains a variety of vitamins and minerals and they help keep the skin nourished and shinny. 

Green smoothie recipe 

1 Glasses of fresh spinach 
1 Glass of Strawberry
2 spoons of yogurt 
1/4 avocado
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
4 ice cubes
Sprig of mint 
Pinch of cardamom 

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