8 Hidden Seattle Gems

By Avery C.

“A city is not gauged by its length and width, but by the broadness of its vision and the height of its dreams,” said Herb Caen. As many of you know, I have lived in Seattle my entire life. Some know it as the Emerald City, whereas others instantly think of coffee (Starbucks, am I right?). However, Seattle embodies so much more.

Don’t let the rain fool you because Seattle is an amazing city. Besides, it really doesn’t rain that often; it’s just cloudy 300 days out of the year J In order to make up for the weather, this city contains some of the best coffee shops, restaurants and boutiques in the country (I may be a little biased).

If you are ever looking to visit the beautiful Northwest, definitely stop by Seattle because the minute you enter the city, you are quickly be embraced by the fresh air, the Puget Sound breezes and the extravagant art. In order to make your stay a little easier, check out these....

8 hidden gems that a true Seattleite recommends:

1. Kerry Park

Kerry Park is located in the heart of Queen Anne, one of my favorite neighborhoods in Seattle. What is so amazing about this park is its view- you can see the entire Seattle skyline right in front of your eyes!

2. Pike Place Market

Every Seattleite knows that visiting Pike Place Market is crucial. From Le Panier French bakery (I am obsessed) to the first Starbucks, this market never disappoints both locals and tourists.

3. Fremont Troll

Did you know that most trolls used to dwell in dark places because they cannot tolerate sunlight? Well folks, the Fremont Troll was inspired by the folk tale, “Billy Goat’s Gruff,” where the troll could not handle the sun. Makes sense as to why this troll lives under the Fremont Bridge!

4. Seattle Great Wheel

Opened in 2012, the Seattle Great Wheel is a giant Ferris wheel at Pier 57 on Elliot Bay. What I love most about this wheel is the impeccable view people get to experience. Not only can you witness the entire city, but you can also view the ferries along the pier.

5. Gum Wall

Okay, I know this sounds disgusting, but people really do put their gum on the famous gum wall. I know I have, a couple of times in fact. This wall has become a trademark of Seattle! Why? Who truly knows, but it is pretty clever if you ask me.

Me (on the right in red)

6. Discovery Park

Where do I begin with Discovery Park? Ever since I was a little girl, I have been hiking this trail with my family and friends. I would recommend going during the weekend since it is less crowded! Don’t forget to pack a picnic because the stairs head down to the beach as well.

7. Alki Beach

Speaking of beaches, there are not many in Seattle (shocker, I know). However, the two I adore are Alki beach and Golden Gardens. Alki stands out due to the fact that you can actually see the entire city of Seattle (and Starbuck’s headquarters). Yes, the sand does have rocks, but the skyline makes it worthwhile.

8. Green Lake Park

Last but not least, one of my all-time favorite locations in Seattle is Green Lake Park. Green Lake is a freshwater lake in north central Seattle. The park has a gorgeous path that allows visitors to experience both nature and shopping (there are some great ice cream stores surrounding the lake). Oh, did I also mention that it is at least 15 minutes from the Woodland Park Zoo?

There you have it fashionistas, hope you enjoyed a brief tour of my beautiful home city! If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. We love hearing from you! Until next time, signing-off from the West Coast! Xo.

1 comment:

  1. I have been visited Green Lake Park during my niagara falls tour with my family. This park is located in north central Seattle, Washington. It is surrounded by beautiful green lake. It is an ideal place to visit in summer because during this season we can enjoy swimming and boating there. We can also see a variety of birds, mammals, and reptile and amphibian species there.
