The Power of Positive Vibes

By Amra B. 

I recently dug up pictures from one of my first photo shoots in 2007 with my best friend, where we are wearing our favorite jeans and tanks. I remember being so happy to have a chance to shoot with Lamija and her neice. We spent the whole day laughing and telling stories inbetween photo sessions; it was one of those perfect days when you feel like you are without a care in the world. 

So much time has passed since, and I miss those days of just being carefree. Funny how some of us let life change us so much that it becomes hard to recognize the person we once were. What is certain is that we have two choices: to let life defeat us or to use every moment and build our own slice of heaven on this planet. 

Becoming jaded or cynical means that we have lost; we had let ourselves subcome to all the negative experiences and have lost the sparkle that once made us shine and stand out. Thus, get-up, dust yourself off, go out there and SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'VE GOT! Bottom line, cynics never made history… (food for thought). :)

Wishing you a wonderful day! 

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