The BFP: Who are they?

By Nerina

Miroslava Duma, Ulyana Sergeenko, Elena Perminova, Vika Gazinskaya, and Anya Ziourova are names well-known amongst the fashionistas around the world. For those who are not as up-to-date: these ladies are successful women from Russia and have a huge passion for fashion. 

These names have become synonymous with the term the "Russian Fashion Elite" and are also known as the "Russian Fashion Pack." This group of designers, fashion magazine editors and stylists has become the essential click during many fashion weeks thanks to their eclectic and totally different fashion sense. They are a magnet for street style photographers, eternal inspiration for bloggers and always the interesting faces in international fashion columns. Their revolutionary and attractive outfits have ensured that this group of trendsetters become an influential force in the fashion world.

"The Russian Fashion Elite"

However, this is not a post about them. This is an exclusive presentation of the BFP: the Bosnian Fashion Pack!

Introducing...The Bosnian Fashion Pack ("BFP"): 
a new generation for your inspiration!

The BFP - Who Are They?
Taking into account their style; their courage to wear something different; their love for everything that has to do with fashion; and their outstanding performance and continuous dedication to the Bosnian fashion scene; I present you 5 Bosnian women with attitude; 5 fashionistas; 5 young people with a clear and visible "Passion for Fashion"; I present to you: the Bosnian Fashion Pack!

So, who are these ladies? 

(1) Ajla Hodzic: Fashion blogger and part-time model.

Ajla Hodzic (left) and  Miroslava Duma (right)

(2) Martina Saira Konakovic: Columnist in lifestyle magazine (called the Magazine) and a head of a fashion boutique.

Martina Saira Konakovic (left) and Elena Perminova (right)

(3) Daniela Mesalic: Fashion blogger, student at the Italian fashion academy Del Lusso and a designer of jewelry and bags.

Daniela Mesalic (left) and  Ulyana Sergeenko (right)
Ulyana Sergeenko,
Ulyana Sergeenko,

(4) Ana Cavar: Creative director and chief editor of the first  Bosnian fashion portal.

Ana Cavar (left) and Anya Ziourova (right)

(5) Nerina H. Poplata: Corespondent for the international lifestyle portal Club Fashionista.

Nerina H. Poplata (left) and Vika Gazinskaya (right)

By now you have probably read about fashion trends, made some healthy-beauty drinks, viewed photos of various fashion events around the world, looked for inspirations for your outfits - and yes, very possibly those posts were made by some of these fashionistas.

The Bosnian Fashion Pack
The Russian Fashion Pack

The edgy style of the members of the BFP induces viewership; each fashionista is unique in her own way and is worthy of attention. In addition to their fashion sense and passion, these ladies are educated, all with university degrees, and most of them have office jobs, i.e. day jobs. 

Are they creative? Yes! Lovers of fashion? Certainly! At any time of the year, do they know the latest fashion trends and make-up trends? Yes! Do they serve as an inspiration for your outfits? Yes! Are they worthy of your attention? Well, that is up to you to decide! :)

The Bosnian Fashion Pack: 
Ajla, Martina Saira, Daniela, Ana & Nerina
In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:

BFP – ko su one ?

Miroslava Duma, Ulyana Sergeenko, Elena Perminova, Vika Gazinskaya, Anya Ziourova su imena dobro znana pratiocima mode. Za one neupućene, ovo su uspješne žene Rusije, ljubiteljice mode. Ova imena postala su sinonim za pojam "Ruska Modna Elita", također poznat kao "Russian Fashion Pack". Ova grupa dizajnera, urednika i stilista postala je bitna u mnogim modnim sedmicama zahvaljujući svojim eklektičnim i totalno drugačijim modnim izričajem. One su magnet za street style fotografe, vječna inspiracija bloggerima i uvijek interesanta lica u modnim rubrikama. Njihovi revolucionarni i privlačni outfiti su osigurali da ova skupina trendsetterica postane uticajna sila u svijetu mode.

The Russian Fashion Pack
No, ovo nije post o njima. Ovo je ekskluzivno predstavljanje BFP: Bosnian Fashion Pack!

Bosnian Fashion Pack

Uzevši u obzir njihov stil, hrabrost da nose nešto drugačije, ljubav prema svemu što ima veze sa modom, uspješnost i istrajnost u posvećivanju BH modnoj sceni, predstavljam vam 5 Bosanki i Hercegovki, 5 žena sa stavom, 5 fashionistica, 5 mladih osoba sa jasno vidljivom „Passion for fashion“, 5 dama jedne grupe – predstavljam vam Bosnian Fashion Pack!

B F P - Ko su one???

Ajla Hodžić

Fashion blogger, part- time model

Martina Saira Konaković

Kolumnistica u lifestyle časopisu „Magazine“, voditeljica modnog shopa 

Daniela Mešalić

Modna bloggerica, studentica italijanske modne akademije Del Lusso, dizajnerica nakita i torbi

Ana Ćavar

Kreativna direktorica i glavna urednica prvog BH modnog portala

Nerina H. Poplata

Dopisnica internacionalnog lifestyle portala Club Fashionista

Do sada ste vjerovatno čitali o modnim trendovima, pravili neke zdrave napitke za ljepotu, pregledali fotografije sa modnih dešavanja u državi i svijetu, tražili inspiraciju za svoj outfit – i da, vrlo moguće da su baš te tekstove potpisale neke od navedenih fashionistica.

B F P : Floralni motivi
Stil članica BFP-a izaziva poglede, svaki je na svoj način drugačiji i svaki, opet vrijedan pažnje. Pored smisla za modu i strasti za modnim tekstom, ove dame imaju univerzitetske diplome i većina ih radi i „standardne kancelarijske“ poslove. Kreativne? Da! Ljubiteljice mode? Da! U svakom trenutku znaju šta je u trendu od odjeće i make-upa? Da! Inspirativne za vaš outfit? Da! Vrijedne vaše pažnje? Eh, to odlučite sami :)

Bosnian Fashion Pack – nova generacija za vašu inspiraciju