Designer Lingerie: Buy or Stay Away?

By Sarah Baker 

Is Designer Lingerie for You? 

Ever looking for a gift for someone and think lingerie? If you are shopping for a significant other, a close friend, or family member, maybe you said yes. How about for a bridal shower, anniversary, or holiday? Maybe you said yes again. How about for yourself or just because? Did you say yes? If you did, this is definitely for you. If you didn’t, keep reading, you may just change your mind.

How to Pick Designer Lingerie? 

Buying lingerie isn’t as simple as going to a store and picking up the first thing you see. There’s an art to it. First, you need to make sure that the size is correct. You would hate to offend someone by buying something either too big or too small. Second, you need to check their style. If they like things that are trendy and stylish, you go with one thing. If they like things that are a bit more edgy, you go with something completely different. Third, you want to make sure that the item(s) that you are buying are going to be something that is fun and they enjoy wearing and not something that is going to be uncomfortable and a nightmare. I have compiled a list of the top lingerie brands around. Fourth, price. You most definitely shouldn’t decide to buy lingerie because it’s cheap. Though a seemingly “good deal,” you may find out later that it was just a waste of money. Keep in mind that in order to get the best, you are going to have to pay just a little bit more, but it may be worth it.

Myla Lingerie 

List of Top 4 Lingerie Brands

Agent Provocateur- “deliciously opulent range of inspirational creations, designed to intensify life’s pleasures and unlock you innermost desires. Beguiling, bold, flirtatious, or coy-indulge ever whim with lingerie.” Founded in England 1994 by Joseph Corre and Serena Ress, this brand is known for treating lingerie like an extension of fashion. This brand is one of the more inexpensive lingerie brands, but that doesn’t mean that it’s cheap. It has a fun and trendy style that attracts celebrities such as Kylie Minogue, Kate Moss, and Maggie Gyllenhaal. To stay up to date on all the news of Agent Provocateur, join it’s almost 26,000 followers on Twitter. @TheMissAp 

Agent Provocateur (left Spanish Actress Penelope Cruz)

Myla- If you like lace, this is the place for you! Ana Beatriz Barros founded Myla in 1999 In London’s Notting Hill.  The price you will pay for this is a little less that most brands, but still the same great fashion. Myla is housed in all of London’s most fashionable districts. The style here is fun and trendy with a slight edge and boasts a celebrity following of Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. You may have also seen it on Samantha from “Sex in the City.” To stay up to date on all the news of Myla, join it’s almost 5000 followers on Twitter. @MylaLondon 

Myla Lace
Fleur of England- "It’s designed to better reflect the sophistication of the lingerie to the customer.” This exclusive design house was opened up in England in 2000. The price is kind of expensive, but also competitive to other top brands. It boasts a “supreme fit” and is more of a trendy style of lingerie. This lingerie is definitely something that would be fun to wear, just ask it’s celebrity following. Emma Watson, Rhianna, and Katy Perry all wear and represent this brand. To stay up to date on all the news of Fleur of England, join it’s over 3000 followers on Twitter. @fleurofengland

Fleur of England (Rihanna in the center)
Fleur of England Lingerie
La Perla- Ada Masotti founded this brand in 1954 in Bologna, Italy. This is a very expensive brand, but well worth it if it’s the look you are going for. It has a definite edge to its brand and seems like some of the styles would be a bit uncomfortable. Cara Develingne, Malgosia Bela, and Liu Wen have all done ad campaigns for La Perla. To stay up to date on all the news of La Perla, join it’s over 16,000 followers on Twitter. @LaPerlaLingerie

La Perla Lingerie 
Cara Delevingne for La Perla (left)
If you are looking for something trendy or edgy, fun or nightmarish, or just a great gift for you or someone else, think lingerie and check out these brands. I know you’ll like that you see!

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