Club Fashionista: Live From Los Angeles!

By Nadja Muzur

While my best friend was visiting me in L.A., I decided to take her on a 9 mile hike in Pasadena. We hiked on the Echo Mountain trail to get to Inspiration Point. When we finally arrived to the top, we truly felt inspired. We enjoyed a beautiful view of Catalina Island, and Downtown L.A. We even had a chance to see Santa Monica since it was such a clear and sunny day in L.A. 

Me and My Best Friend 
Maintaing a healthy lifestyle is one of my main priorities, and it makes it even better when you have your best friend working out with you. Engaging in adventurous outdoor activities is fun and gives you a sense of accomplishment in the end. Summer is around the corner ladies, so get the bod right! Until next time...signing off from L.A.

Inspiration Point on Echo Mountain 
Me in L.A.

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