Advice for Men: Valentine’s Day the Non-Cliché Way

By Sarah Baker

Imagine: After a long day at the office, you come home to a box with a note. The note simply says: “wear this and be ready by 8.” In the box is a black dress, a necklace, and shoes to match. As you walk upstairs, the bath is running with candles and wine waiting for you. You relax, drink some wine, and get ready. He comes to your door to pick you up, with those cliché flowers you don’t quite mind this time, opens your car door, and you’re on your way. Dinner first, at that restaurant you’ve been dying to try. Then a show, your favorite, the one he said he refused to go see again because you had been so many times. After the show, a few drinks at that cute bar around the corner. Then it’s home, to unwind and relax.

Don’t think you can pull this off? Or maybe this isn’t her kind of perfect date. No matter what you do, just make sure that you stay away from the cliché. No flowers and candy. That is a cheap cop-out and not allowed this year. Do something special for her. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, or it can be. Think about her likes, wants, and needs and find her something totally “her.” To help you go in the right direction, I have come up with some fun, trendy, and different things for Valentine’s Day this year.

Here are some gift options:

1. Origami Owl Necklace. Does she have something she is passionate about? Then get her this. It’s jewelry with a personal touch. With Origami Owl, you pick the type and size of locket, the background, and the charms you put on the inside. You can put birthstones in it for a mother, landmarks for a traveler, and many other possibilities for any woman in your life.

2. Wine of the Month Club. Who doesn’t want a new wine delivered to their door once a month!? Pair it with some bubble bath and candles and it’s the perfect wind down for any hardworking woman.

3. Something Handmade. Don’t want to overdo it this Valentine’s Day? Keep it simple and inexpensive with something handmade and from the heart. This is always sure to melt her heart and make her feel special.

4. Magazine Subscription. Does she have a favorite magazine that she buys on the newsstand every month or passes it by because she won’t rationalize spending money on it? Buy her a monthly subscription. It’s something that she will surely enjoy for an entire year.

5. Movie Night Basket. Is she more of a night in, avoid the crowds kind of woman? Then keep it simple with this basket. Pick out her favorite movie or one she has been wanting to see, add a blanket, some popcorn, her favorite candy, and some wine. It’s the perfect future date night.

6. Craft Box Starter Kit. Does she have a corner or entire room dedicated to crafting? Take a look at it, I know it may be scary, and see what she needs. Make a list and put it together in a cute box. Simple and perfect for the crafter in your life.

7.  Library Card Journal. Is she a writer or an avid journaler? Get her a journal with a nice pen. Print off a template online of an old library check out card. Write 10 things that you love about her on it and stick in in the journal. Whenever she uses her journal, she’ll get to see it and remember how much you love her.

8.  Kindle Fire. Does she love to read but hasn’t broken down and bought a tablet yet? Buy her a Kindle Fire and preload it with all her favorite books. It’s something she’ll surely enjoy

9. Tickets. Is there a show she has been dying to see? Then buy her tickets to her favorite show, concert, or other activity when it’s in town. This not only lets her know you pay attention and know what she likes, but it gives you a future date night activity.

10. Love notes. Do you want to make her feel appreciated all year round but don’t know quite how to do it? Write her a love note for her to read every day/week/month until next Valentine’s Day.

Here are some fun date ideas:

1. Teach her something new or better yet, learn something new together. This is a great bonding activity. Take a cooking class, dance class, photography class, or learn to golf. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it together.

2. Take her to do something that she absolutely loves, but you can’t stand. Doing something just for her is romantic and makes her really feel special, especially knowing that you can’t stand it.

3. Taker her on a Shopping Spree. This is a fun date and present all in one. Take her to her favorite place to shop and let her go.

4. Buy her a dress, shoes, accessories, etc. Put it in a box and leave her a note to be ready by a certain time wearing the items in the box. Take her to a nice romantic dinner and dancing.

5.  Whisk her away for a weekend getaway. It doesn’t have to be far and it doesn’t have to be romantic, just make it special.

6. Spend a nice, romantic night at home together. Don’t have the money or time. Nothing is quite as romantic as spending an evening with your one and only, no distractions, no disruptions. Just make sure you turn off the phones and have a “no work” for the evening policy.

Here are some ideas to get you started. These aren’t the only options, there are way more out there. Just make sure that you do something for her. She may say that it’s just a Hallmark Holiday, (stay away from those cheesy cards by the way), but what she really wants is for you do something, anything for her. So pick something, commit to it, and make her feel loved and happy. Just make sure that it’s something that she wants to do. After all, Valentine’s Day is all about her.


  1. So, do you guarantee results? :p

  2. Thanks for posting this. I really enjoy reading your articles for men. They are really useful and yes some of us need to be told some things...
