White Faux Fur

By Amra B. 

I have been feeling under the weather the past couple of days and I was always cold. I stubbled upon this white faux fur jacket by accident; I walked into a shop as it was closing and it was one of the last faux fur jackets they had (and in my size). I bought it immediately because I thought it looked great but later discovered it was super warm as well. Since then, people have literally stopped me every time I wore it to ask me where I bought it. :)

As I walk a lot in London, I am still sticking to my flat boots during the day. I have also noticed that many women opt for flat sneakers or shoes in winter; it must be the cold that makes us choose warmth and comfort over (just) style. 

I am wishing you a great week from cold London. 


Outfit: Jacket H&M, boots Jimmy Choo, dress Elisabeth & James, purse Miu Miu, hat H&M, rings Forever 21 and vintage 



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