Summer in Australia: My Beauty Tips & Tricks

By Sammy Jade

One of my favourite things about the change in seasons is the new range of products that become available. With summer being the most fun, active, and exciting of all the seasons, I have definitely found a few products already that I will be using throughout the warmer months.

Some of my favorite products...

Favorite Bronzer

The J bronze tanning range is a relatively new product from Australia's very own Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins, and with her stunning looks and gorgeous personality, she has set herself up for a winner with this range.

I am always on the hunt for the perfect self tanner, and for the moment, this is definitely a front runner. What I love about this product is not only the silky mousse which makes for an easy and even application, but also the relatively quick processing time and the perfect bronze it produces. Gone are the days of carrot coloured tans with this.

Favorite Scent

It is an outrage that the only place we can find Victoria's Secret in Australia is in the airport. So you can imagine that I took full advantage last time I was there. This body fragrance is my absolute favourite sent right now, and is the perfect mixture of summer, femininity and happiness. My only challenge is to try and make it last until my next trip there. Wish me luck!

Oh. My. Goodness. 

Hair Mask 

For what feels like centuries, I have been on the hunt for a great hair mask, and having seen this brand all throughout YouTube, I thought I would try it and was very surprised at how inexpensive this product is. And what better time to start making the extra effort with caring for your hair than during the summer when it takes the most beating.

This product not only works to create a healthy scalp and roots, but also creatures lustre and shine and the best part- It smells like Chai Tea. You had better hope that you like this smell with the product, because the scent permeates your hair and shows itself again when you brush through it the next day. 


Lip Gloss

Ok so this one is not a new favourite- just an all time favourite. I absolutely love not only the colour of this lip gloss, but also the silkiness of the product upon application.

The colour is very pigmented which makes it a perfect alternative for the carefree summer makeup styles! No effort required. 

Facial Toner

The one great thing you need in summer, apart from an awesome cleanser, is a toner. Along with all the other Chanel products, this feels absolutely amazing on your skin. It works to neutralise your skin and eliminate oil that clogs your pores- and it feels so refreshing! 

Another aspect I love to this product is that its the only one I have ever used which feels as through it is moisturising your face, rather than drying t out from the alcohol in it. 

Definitely worth a try!

Happy Shopping! 

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