Battle Of The Nations: Ugg Boots

By Sammy Jade

Battle Of The Nations: Ugg Boots

The weather is warming-up here in Australia which means: America it is time to prepare for the chilly season! The one fashion trend I find very interesting between nations is the rise of the Ugg boot. Love them, or hate them… they are here to stay. 

Ugg Boots with Swarovski Crystals (right hand corner)

Versatility of UGG Boots
Ugg boots, originating from Australia, were originally worn as a utility boot for its warmth which is achieved by the twin-faced sheepskin outer surface, fleecy inside and it was originally adopted by the Australian surf culture during the 1960s. 

An explosion in the popularity of the Ugg Boot during the late 90s in the United States saw its rise as an international trend status during the mid 2000s. The increasing trend of the Ugg boot throughout the US is ultimately reflected within the many versatile styles being produced; for instance, from the classic comfort-syle to a more ready to wear status. Ironically, here in Australia, Ugg boots remain predominantly used as slippers.

In Australia: Uggs are used as slippers predominantly 
However, while the majority of Australian areas do not experience snow during the winter, Ugg boots are thus perfectly suited for exceptionally cold climates. In fact, it is in the cold climates where various styles of Uggs,  which deter away from the slipper look, are found. 

Beige UGGs with Brown Louis Vuitton Outfit Combination
With a range of styles to suit your every wardrobe need, the evolution of Uggs has proven itself to be one of incredible versatility, comfort, style, and not to mention… warmth.

Different Style of Uggs 

High Heeled Ugg Boots

Happy shopping, fashionistas! XX 

1 comment:

  1. so true, but there are great new styles out there, may even buy some fro christmas presents
