Your TOTAL Denim Guide

By Nerina Hodizc Poplata

Dear Fashionistas, 

I hope that you are excited about summer and all of its fashion treats. What excites me the most about fashion are timeless pieces that no matter when you decide to wear it again, it just sets you a part from everyone else. One such timeless fashion trend? Denim!

Celebrities in denim 

I am always looking forward to picking out my favorite denim pieces. Fashionistas, denim is back and trendier than ever! This season, you can make your complete outfit in super comfortable denim!  For all of you who want to be trendy but do not want to part with their favorite jeans, simply follow this denim guide.

1. Ripped Jeans

You can buy ripped jeans; however, if you wish to save money, take a pair of your old jeans that still look good on you and snip away.  Moreover, it is not just ripped jeans but there are vests with ripped details. You can combine them with everything you want, e.g., neon shirts, sport duck shirtsstylish blazers, short tops, sneakers,  and stilettos.

2. Denim Shirts 

A denim shirt makes a comeback from the 90s to this season's fashion "it" piece. Now, in its more stylish form, the denim shirt is fitted and often includes details like lace or spikes. It is best to wear it with your jeans or tied at the navel and combine it with leather (skirt, pants or shorts).

Denim shirt & leather skirt
3. Rolled-Up

Before when we bought jeans that were very long (or borrowed them from your best friend) and wanted to wear them straight away, we would roll our jeans up. Now, it's trendy to roll your denim up. If you bought long pants, only roll them up and save your money by not paying a visit to the taylor. You will be ready for the fall. Fashion tip: likewise, if your pants are short, only roll them up, and your problem is solved: you are still trendy and ready to go!

4. Denim Jacket with a Lot of Details

This is a trend where your creativity comes alive! Multiplicity is a DIY site, where you can find out how to turn an ordinary denim jacket to a little masterpiece. For those less imaginative (or lazy) fashionistas, take a look at the many well-known designers and also high street shops, which are all including jean jackets with lace, zircons, leather sleeves, pearls, chains and other details in their collection. One thing is certain, jeans jackets are a must have this spring! I have already got one amazing piece! :)

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:

Dragi fashionisti, nadam se da se i vi radujete proljecu koja nam stiže i svim modnim poslasticama koje prate ovo godišnje doba. Tu su promocije novih modnih magazina, sedmice mode širom svijeta, novi komadi na policama vaših omiljenih butika.

Ono što mene raduje s dolaskom proljeca ove godine jeste činjenica da je jeans vrlo trendi i poželjan u odjevnim kombinacijama. Posebno mi se dopada što nisu više samo hlače od jeansa, sada možete odjenuti kompletan outfit od super udobnog jeansa.

Za sve vas koji želite biti u trendu ovog proljeca, ali i za vas koji ne izlazite iz svojim omiljenih farmerica, slijedi jeans vodič za proljece 2014 godine!

1. Pocjepani Jeans

Pocjepani jeans možete kupiti, ali isto tako i napraviti od nekih starih farmerica koje vam dobro stoje. U ponudi su farmerice, pocjepani kratki šorcevi, ali i prsluci sa pocjepanim detaljima. Možete ih kombinovati uz sve što vam dođe pod ruku: neon majice, sportske dukserice, elegantni sako, kratki top, tenisice, štikle....

2. Teksas Košulje

Trend koji se vraća na modnu scenu ove sezone, nosio se 90-tih godina. Sada u malo stilizovanijem obliku, te su  jeans košulje strukirane, često sa detaljima poput čipke ili nitni. Najbolje ih je nositi utrpane u jeans hlače, ili svezane u čvor na pupku, te u kombinaciji sa kožom (suknja, hlače, šorc).

Jeans outfit
Jeans košulja & kožna suknja
Idealno za tople jesenje dane
3. Podvrnuto

Nekada su to radile naše mame, kada bi kupile farmerice koje su nam jako duge, a željele smo ih odmah obući. Nije bilo vremena za ići do krojačice da nam skrati hlače. Sada je to u trendu. Ako su vam duge kupljene hlače, samo ih podvrnite i uštedit ćete na novcu za skraćivanje, a bit ćete i trendi ove jeseni. Ako su vam kratke, onda ih samo jednom prevrnite, i taj problem je rješen! Na opšte zadovoljstvo!

4. Jeans jakna sa detaljima

Ovo je trend gdje će vaša kreativnost doći do izražaja! Mnoštvo je DIY stranica na kojima možete pronaći kako od obične jeans jakne napraviti malo remek djelo. Za one manje maštovite (ili lijene) fashionistice, pobrinuli su se mnogi poznati dizajneri, ali i high street trgovine. uvrstili jeans jaknice sa čipkom, cirkonima, kožnim rukavima, biserima, lancima i drugim detaljima. Jedno je sigurno, jeans jakne su must have ove jeseni! Ja sam svoj primjerak već nabavila:)

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