Natural Beauty of Bosnia: Majestic Waterfalls of Strbacki Buk

By Nerina Hodzic Poplata 

Bosnia's Geographical Landscape Mirrors Switzerland...

Here is an unknown fact: Bosnia's geographical landscape is very similar to that of Switzerland. Take a look at its towering, ancient and jagged mountains...and its rivers, and did I mention its stunning and chaotic waterfalls?

Powerful and Majestic Waterfall: Strbacki Buk

The breathtaking and large waterfalls, called Strbacki Buk, are on the Una River, which serves as a natural border between   Bosnia and Croatia.

Legend has it that the river Una was named by the Romans during the time of the Roman Empire; seeing the river's majestic beauty and its impeccable cleanliness, a soldier exclaimed "UNA," which in translation means "one," "only," and "unique." 

Before entering the first major canyon, the river Una flows  over the Strbacki buk, which is 24 meters tall (around 79 feet) and 294 meters (about 965 feet) above the sea level. Strbacki buk is the most beautiful waterfall on the River Una and the one of the most beautiful waterfall in Southeastern Europe. 

Between summer getaways to the beach, a weekend spent on the pure, clean and emerald Una River is the perfect weekend getaway to cool off from the hot summer sun. Club Fashionista loves natural beauty!

Strbacki buk: Beauty of Nature

Photo by me: Breathtaking View

Lunch: A delicious trout from Una river

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian: 

Veliki impesivni i popularni Štrbački buk nalazi se na rijeci Uni, koja je u tom dijelu prirodna granica dvije susjedne države:  Bosne i Hercegovine i Hrvatske.

Legenda kaže da je rijeka Una dobila ime još u vrijeme Rimske imperije. Osvajajući nove teritorije i dolaskom Rimljana na ova područja, susrećući se po prvi put sa ovom rijekom i vidjevši njenu ljepotu, hukove slapova i besprijekornu čistoću uzviknuli su UNA!, što bi u prevodu značilo "jedna", "jedina", "jedinstvena".

Pred samim ulaskom u svoj prvi veći kanjon,Una se obrušava niz predivni Štrbački buk visine 24 m, a koji se nalazi na 294 m n/v i uz martinbrodske slapove predstavlja najljepši vodopad na rijeci Uni kao i ovom dijelu Europe.

Između odlazaka na more i plažu, vikend na čistoj smaragdnoj Uni je idealno rješenje za osvježenje u toplim, ljetnim danima. CF voli prirodne ljepote!

Club Fashionista Girl at the Magnificent Waterfalls
Photo vs. Reality
Rowing boat,
which does not destroy the nature by harmful gases
Photo by me: Strbacki buk

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