Summer Ready Skin

By Noreen Saleem

Hello fashionistas! 

Who’s about ready to show off their summer look? I am not only talking about wardrobe; when talking about summer, it is vital to have summer ready skin and a prim and prep body. Just imagine, while laying out at the pool and soaking in the sun, you need to be confident and ready for the crowd.

In the summer, it is all about having that healthy and glowing skin. You will have confidence if you have a great complexion from head to toe. To achieve it, you have to keep up to date with grooming. 

Summer Skin 
At Ease in Your Summer Skin

1. Waxing

Ladies PLEASE ditch the razors as they just make the skin rough. Please make it a habit to WAX. The results are so much better and last longer. 

2. Outdoor Exercise

Ditch the gym whenever possible and get out when it is nice, like early morning, and do jogging or join a yoga class (hot yoga is my favorite). The gym is great for vigorous training but to maintain your figure, it is vital to start outdoors. Moreover, the yoga relaxes your mind.


Everywhere, we constantly see people stressing over a healthy diet to achieve a fit figure. While a healthy diet is a part of being fit, it is not the only factor. The other major part is to drink a lot of water instead of soda and drinking less alcohol. Moreover, throw out white bread and eat whole-wheat and make sure your plate is colorful. Having a healthy diet, including food and lots of water, is great for your skin. Healthy food and lots of water have proven to show positive effects on your skin. 

Drink a Lot of Water for Healthy and Glowing Skin
Healthy Skin Glow via a Wholesome Diet 
Beauty Skin Tip: Drink a Lot of Water (Tyra Banks) 
Beauty Skin Tip for the Summer:
Eat Healthy, e.g. wheat bread (throw out white bread!)
Beauty Tip for Healthy and Glowing Summer Skin:
 Drink a Lot of Water! 
Bottom line, when you feel great about your skin this summer, everything else falls into place, you will feel better on the inside and outside. Your clothes and makeup will look so much better while your skin is glowing. 

Club Fashionista Girl Elma B. With Her Glowing Tan
Stay tuned for my next post where I will elaborate on skin care, including sunscreens, and the waxing products I recommend! Until next time, keep smiling!

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