What to Wear to a Wedding?

By Nerina Hodzic-Poplata

Hello my dear fashionistas! 

Shortly after I was invited to attend a dear friend's wedding, I thought "what should I wear?" What are the appropriate types of dress styles for a wedding? My main goal: to wear the dress to the wedding and its after party. 

Thus, I have been on the lookout, carefully observing high street brands and luxury designers, for a dress to wear to a wedding.  

Styles for Wedding: Zac Posen Dresses
My idea of an ideal dress to wear to a wedding: 

1. unusual; 2. different; 3. comfortable; 4. fancy; 5. not too short; 6. without too many sparkles; 7; any color but white (white is reserved for the bridge); and 8. new (not vintage and not a dress I already own).

I have not settled for any dress yet since I have not spotted one that has that effect that takes my breath away. Hence, I was thinking to make some sketches, pay a visit to my taylor and have her custom design a dress for me. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, take a look at some dress styles for a wedding, which are nearly perfect. Which one do you prefer? Help me custom design a perfect dress! Xo.  

Styles for Wedding: Oscar de la Renta
Styles for Wedding: Zuhair Murad
Styles for Wedding: Terani
Styles for Wedding: Jason Wu

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian: 

Veliki pozdrav dragi fashionisti! Posljednjih dana ne prestajem da gledam online trgovine, web stranice high street brandova, te posljednje modne revije slavnih dizajnera. Zapravo, u potrazi sam za haljinom! Potrebna mi je haljina za odlazak na ceremoniju vjenčanja, te svadbeni party dragom prijatelju i njegovoj izabranici. Nemam mnogo zahtjeva, ali haljina bi trebala da ima sljedeće osobine: da je neobična, drugačija, udobna, fancy, ne prekratka, ne sa previše šljokica, ne bijela (bijela je rezervisana za mladenku), i naravno da je nova. Nema šanse da se poslužim nekom iz svog ormara.....a i nemam takvu! (znate i same da pored punog ormara uvijek imamo problem, tj. nemamo šta obući J! ). 

Pošto još uvijek nisam ugledala haljinu koja mi oduzima dah na prvi pogled, možda ću se ipak poslužiti nekom od svojih skica, te posjetiti vrsnu krojačicu da mi pomogne u realizaciji neke fancy haljinice. Dok moja ne bude gotova, postavljam fotografije „almost perfect“ haljina koje su u mom užem izboru. Fashionistas, budite od pomoći! Dajte svoj prijedlog! Koja od haljina je vaš favorit! XOXO

Styles for Wedding: Victoria's Secret
Styles for Wedding: Asos (V-shaped back)
Styles for Wedding: Yellow Lace from Asos

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