How To Eliminate Bags Under The Eyes

By Paulina Fornovi

In Spanish (please scroll down for English):

Bolsas de ojos provocadas por no haber dormido bien y evitar que sean crónicas:

Las bolsas de ojos son líquido del propio ojo que segrega cuando dormimos y que cuando no descansamos lo suficiente se queda en la parte inferior del ojo.

Pueden salir desde el lagrimal interno (el que está al lado de la nariz) hasta la mitad del ojo.
Pueden salir desde el lagrimal externo (el que está al lado de la sien) hasta la mitad del ojo.

¿Cómo eliminarlas?

Es un proceso que hay que repetir varias veces:

Consiste en un masaje con los dedos presionando desde la mitad del ojo hacia el lagrimal para expulsar el líquido que contiene la bolsa del ojo.
En función del lado en el que tengamos la bolsa se hará en una dirección o en otra. (Las anteriormente explicadas). Este masaje hay que darlo presionando en la dirección adecuada
y nunca arrastrando la piel. Es presionando con las yemas de los dedos.

Este masaje se repite las veces necesarias hasta que notemos que baja la hinchazón de las bolsas. No hay un número determinado.

Espero que os sirva de ayuda a todos!!!!


SHINY and FASHION by Paulina Fornovi

Hello fashionistas! I am back. For those of you who had missed my last post, please see make up tips for a night out in town

Also, to introduce myself (briefly for the second time) I am a Spanish professional make-up artist and am based in Madrid. 

Here, I will show you how to eliminate bags under the eyes. I will not talk in the video instead, please read the detailed instructions below. 

As a side note, chronic dark under circles and bags under the eyes are typically caused by having not slept well. Eye bags are fluids that form when we sleep because of lack of rest and sleep; the fluid is stored beneath your eye. The fluid can be stored from the inner tear, which is next to the nose, until the middle of the eye. Also, the fluid can be stored from the external tear, which is next to the temple, until the middle of the eye.

PROCESS: How to eliminate bags under the eyes?

The following is a process that must be repeated several times. The process consists of a massage with fingers by pressing from the middle of the eye towards the tear to expel the liquid containing the eye bag.

The direction of the massage of the eye bags will depend  on the side in which the liquid beneath your eye is stored.This massage must be give by pushing in the right direction and never dragging the skin. Press with your fingertips. This massage is repeated many times as needed until you notice that your swelling has decreased. 

I hope this beauty tip on how to eliminate bags under the eye will help everyone. Please leave your comments below. 


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