By Amra B. 

What is my favorite type of hair style for the Spring 2013? It is the one that looks EFFORTLESS! Sexy hair is all about having an amazing cut and color and making it look as natural as possible. My hair style choice is always the "bedroom hair" that looks messy and clean. However, if I have a meeting or am running to the gym for a workout, I also opt for a bun or a pony tail. I have many suggestions for the hairstyles for this spring, and I will break them down in terms of days 1, 2, and 3 (I am assuming that you wash your hair every 2nd or 3rd day like me). 

1st Day

My tip for an AMAZING hair every day is to try and do a different style depending on when you wash your hair. For example, the day that I wash my hair I almost always wear it down. My hair is long and heavy, and I try wearing it down as much as possible to rest it a bit. I have wavy hair, and I usually either blow dry it straight or wear it wavy. However, I do advise to really invest in an amazing cut and color, so that when you decide to wear it down (even without blowdrying or straightening it), it looks spectacular. Below are some ideas for an amazing cut and color, as well as suggestions on how to style your hair on the first day:

2nd Day

I adore braids on the long hair. If you have short hair, you may also do small braids on the front part so that you can pin the hair away from your face. Braids are amazing for the 2nd day because they allow for some of your hair to still show. For the girls that have thin hair or want their hair to look extremely clean even on the 2nd day, I HIGHLY recommend DRY shampoo because it really helps make your hair look clean and gives it volume. Below are my favorite picks for Spring 2013 braids: 

3rd Day 

I ADORE messy buns and have also become a fan of some other styles that allow me to pin my hair up. I do use dry shampoo on the third day and I use it even when my hair is up because I like to have my hair a little messy and give it some volume. Below are my picks for the third day:

Make every day a PERFECT HAIR DAY! XOXO

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