Ombre Hairstyles

By Lana K. 

Are you tired of the same hairstyle? Do you want some changes but would not like something too dramatic? Ombre hairstyle is the choice for you! The ombre style is the graduation of color, from light to dark, or dark to light, where the roots appear to have grown out. 

Me (on the left)

Today, I went to Salon Teuta in Zagreb because I was told that they do an amazing ombre. This salon is also where many of the Croatian celebrities have gone to get their amazing ombre style. I am very happy with my new look, although I will need to go a few more times to achieve the perfect ombre look. I was blond before, so I had to color my hair darker. Now, I have a combination of my old blonde highlights and new brown color. The final goal is to get the hair darker on the top and to lighten the ends a bit more.

Do you like my new ombre hairstyle? Below you will find some  photos of my look as well as some celebrities who have opted for an ombre hairstyle. 

In Croatin/Bosnian:

Dosadila Vam je vaša stara frizura? Želite promjene, ali ništa predramatično? Ombre je najbolji izbor za to. 

Danas sam bila u Salonu Teuta u Zagrebu jer sam čula da tamo rade odličan ombre i vrlo je popularan među hrvatskim selebritijima. Vrlo sam sretna sa novim izgledom iako ću morati još par puta otići da bih postigla savršen ombre izgled. Prije sam bila plava tako da sam trebala potamniti svoju kosu. Sada imam kombinaciju mojih starih plavih pramenova i nove smeđe boje. Krajnji cilj je tamnija kosa oko tjemena i mnogo svijetlija na krajevima. Sviđa li se i tebi ombre? Ovdje su također neke zvijezde koje imaju ombre.


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