Stylechat with Nino Eliava: More is Love

By Aziza Soliman 

Club Fashionista ("CF"): Dear Nino, thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to Club Fashionista. You are our very first Georgian, and we are so delighted to have a chance to chat with you. We have been fans of your style for quite some time and are always excited to see new pieces from your online store at 

Nino: Thank you for such pleasant words.

CF: What is the typical day in the life of Nino Eliava? What are life's little pleasures that you especially enjoy?

Nino: My typical day starts early, I am up at 9am. I do all the usual morning rituals and go either to the gym or our office. Usually my days are very hectic as More is Love requires special attention to every detail. All the work diminishes by 7pm; there are days when we work non-stop until very late. When the working day is over by 7pm, I usually go out with my husband and friends for dinner or stay at home and read. My life is pleasant, excluding moments when something bad happens. I try to smile as much as possible and joke around when faced with difficult situations; this attitude helps me overcome everything that life brings.

CF: We are big supporters of different, innovative, and dynamic approach to fashion and style! Do you incorporate any elements from your culture or other cultures in your looks?

Nino: I am a big fan of travelling and exploring different cultures. Combining styles from various cultures is something that I love the most. To me an outfit is boring and unattractive if it is very matchy and tidy. I like to mix something quite unexpected together. I am a huge fan of taking an innovative approach because I feel invigorated.

CF: We adore jewelry, and we are especially fond of the new trend of wearing "statement jewelry." What do you think about fine jewelry or jewelry in general? Which pieces do you consider important to have?

Nino: To me jewelry is a form of art. When a piece is sophisticated and beautiful enough to be an art object, it is quite inspiring. I think that every woman should have her own taste in costume jewelry. It can define who you are and what you represent. I love statement pieces, especially when they are made using new approaches. I think jewelry can change the whole look, and I can totally wear one dress twice if I accessorize it differently. 

CF: We are always on the hunt for new beauty trends from around the world! Also, we enjoy hearing what many men and women do or the products they use to look their absolute best! What is your beauty routine and what secrets/tips could you share with our readers? 

Nino: As a woman, I like to take care of myself and my health. I try to eat more healthy food, drink a lot of water, and visit a beautician from time to time. My most precious beauty tip is a smile; without it, nothing is beautiful.

CF: Although we are certainly looking forward to traveling there in the near future, we have never visited Moscow or Tbilisi. Could you tell us a little bit about the unique style of fashionistas there? How does this style differ from other places where you have lived? 

Nino: Moscow and Tbilisi differ from each other in terms of everything. These are two completely different cities. Moscow has become super trendy lately with the help of exceptional ladies living in this city. People living in Moscow pay much attention to the way they look. You can instantly tell that these people spend hours at beauty salons and luxury boutiques. As to Tbilisi, it is the other way around. Women barely use make up here and rarely wear high heels. With that said, Georgians have extremely good taste.

CF: Can you please tell us more about your online boutique. How hard was it to make it work?

Nino: More is Love is a very special boutique. We hand pick our jewelry and take care of our valued customers. Thinking about our customers, we try our best to treat them as we would like to be treated. Getting where we stand now was really hard to do; but without obstacles, no victory is sweet enough. I am very thankful for the dream team I have. Without Ani and Tamara, this project would never work because I would have given-up. 

CF: Lastly, can you please tell us a a bit about your future plans and what amazing things we can expect from you? 

Nino: We are working hard on our e-store We have numerous amount of cool projects coming-up with some young, talented and inspiring people. Our choice of costume jewelry is growing from day to day, and we are planning to introduce range of tiaras made out of semi-precious stones. This online destination is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

CF: Again, thank you Nino for taking this time to speak to Club Fashionista. We wish you the best in the future and eagerly await to see more amazing things from you.

Nino: Thank you for your interest in me and my projects. Have an amazing day.

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