Valentine`s Day in Venice

By Lana K. 

This year I decided to spend Valentine's day a little bit differently; hence, I went on a three-day trip to Venice. Definitely, this is the perfect place to spend your Valentine's Day. 

The entire city is built on water so it looks like those gorgeous palaces rise from the sea. There are no cars, the only transport available are small boats called vaporetto or romantic gondolas, which maneuver you through those beautiful canals.

When you walk through the narrow streets of Venice, you feel like you have returned to the 17th or 18th century, it is amazing! The city is famous for its fascinating architecture, operas, artists (especially the Renaissance artists), numerous bridges and the carnival. It was described in New York Times as "undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by a man," and in Times Online it has been listed as one of the most romantic European cities. I had a really wonderful time. 

 The Bridge of Sighs

In Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian:

Ove godine sam odlučila provesti Valentinovo malo drugačije tako da sam otišla na 3-dnevni izlet u Veneciju.

Definitivno to je savršeno mjesto za to.
Cijeli grad je sagrađen na vodi tako da imate osjećaj da te prekrasne palače doslovno niču iz mora. Tamo se auti ne koriste, jedini prijevoz su mali brodovi zvani vaporetto koji vas voze kroz divne kanale ili romantična gondola.

Kada hodate kroz te uske Venecijanske ulice osjećaj je kao da ste se vratili u 17. ili 18. stoljeće što je zaista zapanjujuće.
Grad je poznat po fascinantnoj arhitekturi, operama, umjetnicima (pogotovo renesanski period), brojim mostovima i karnevalu. U New York Times-u je opisan kao "nedvojbeno najljepši grad izgrađen od strane čovjeka" i u Times Online-u je ubrojen u najromantičnije europske gradove. Prekrasno sam se provela.

St. Mark˙s Basilica

St. Mark˙s Square

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